Jul 12, 2018
Audio and Video
Jul 12, 2018
Audio and Video
May 30, 2018
Audio and Video
Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hour of Healing Are you hurting? Do you need quiet reflection time? Time alone with Jesus? Join us for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration with a healing service on Friday, May 4, at 6:30pm in St Joseph Church. PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2_W7T8oQQ4?rel=0]
Last weeks homily
Holy Hour and Healing Service will be held this Friday, April 6 at 5pm in St Mary Church in Freeport, IL.
It is Catholic Tradition to have extra spiritual activities on the first Friday of the Month to take advantage of the 15 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Here in Freeport we have a Holy Hour that focuses on healing. This healing can be any kind of healing. We tend to focus on the physical ailments we may have. However, it can be emotional or spiritual healing as well. It can from something that was done yesterday or long ago. It might be a person you have a hard time forgiving. It could be any spiritual struggles you may have. Maybe you have a hard time even to pray. Jesus just may be waiting to give the gift of prayer. There is no issue too big or small for Jesus in the Eucharist. Non-Catholics are even invited. All are welcome to the hospital of souls.
Are you hurting? Do you need quiet reflection time? Time alone with Jesus?
Join us for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration with a healing service on Friday, April 6, at 5:00pm in St Mary Church.
Apr 3, 2018
Audio and Video
Today is the Church’s greatest celebration because we rejoice in the fact that Christ has conquered sin and death and that He lives! The best part about all of this is that He shares every last fruit of His victory with us.
WE ARE EXCITED! JUNE 2018 is our year of blessings: A child will have a chance. The woman will feel Loved and Supported. Freeport will open doors to suffering women. We will bond in love as we serve. Thank you for standing by us. Your love and sacrifices achieved so much. However, there are still pieces of work to be completed: cleaning, dusting, painting and so on. Come and help. Take a tour of the building and see how you can help. We set aside three work Saturdays – March 24, April 7 and 28 (8:00am to 4:00pm) or choose your own day! We pray for many volunteers to reach our goal. Give a baby a chance with skilled or unskilled hours. Bring your teenage children. All types of age-appropriate work are needed! Continue reading “2018 MRC Special Year: Volunteers Needed”