Mission Statement
The mission of Jesus is stated in the Holy Gospel according to Luke (4:43): “I must announce the good news of the reign of God, because that is why I was sent.” We, the people of St. Joseph Parish, Freeport, Illinois, faithful to Jesus’ mission, regularly celebrate the Eucharist and other Sacraments, from which we are sent both to live the Gospel, and to evangelize our neighbors, near and afar. As stewards of God’s generous gifts we are committed to provide the personnel and resources needed to carry out our mission.
St. Joseph Parish was founded about 16 years later than St. Mary’s, in 1862. The current building was built in 1872. They were founded by the German community who branched off of St. Mary church. Some of the founding families still attend mass here and continue to contribute to the mission that Christ places before them: to welcome and help those who are in need and foster spiritual growth with those who want to come closer to Jesus.
Virtual Tour

360 degree tour, http://www.360tour.us/church_project/st_joseph_freeport/church/index.html