Update on COVID 19 Schedule 5/8/20

The Mass schedule will go on, even though they will not be celebrated publicly. The Masses will be streamed live on the Facebook pages respective to where the Mass is celebrated. That means that if the Mass is celebrated at St Mary Church, it will be streamed live on the St Mary Facebook and vice versa. You can call in for confessions and set up a time. I am offering confessions at the regular times at St Joseph. I will be in the garage at the rectory. Just drive up. You do not have to get out of your car.
If you would like the bulletin brought to you, we can drop it off in your mailbox, or use the parish app to read it. The distribution of Holy Communion and the administration of the Sacrament of the Sick remains for emergency situations only. I ask that you make a spiritual communion at this time when physical participation is not possible. Give a call in the office 1-815-232-8271, my extension is 7. Still working slow from calls from the Response Team to see how everybody is doing and to see if there are any needs. Many said they do not need a call. If you do not want a call, please let me know by calling the above phone number. Many of you know each other, please spread the word about all we are planning and tell them to call the office if they would like to take advantage of these services. 
In addition to the live streaming of the Mass and stations, I am also live streaming the  rosary starting at around 7:10am Tuesdays through Fridays. At 3:00pm on Tuesdays through Saturdays I will stream live the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and possibly the Mid-Afternoon Prayer. Evening Prayer and Night Prayer may vary on the day and schedule as I figure the times available. So this is what the schedule may look like on a weekly basis. One big change is that I will be celebrating Mass at St Joseph Church on Tuesday mornings, so the live streams will be on St Joseph’s Facebook. The only Mass that I will stream from St Mary’s will be Sunday mornings at 8:00am. This change is to limit the risk of coronavirus between Fr Ospina and I by using the same spaces sparingly; however, I also want St Mary parishioners to be able to see their church.
Tuesday Rosary live streamed with the rosary on St Joseph Facebook at about 7:10am
Tuesday Morning Mass live streamed  on St Joseph Facebook at 8:00am.
Tuesday Morning Confessions by the garage at St Joseph Church after Mass till 10:00am.
Tuesday Chaplet of Divine Mercy live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at 3:00pm.
Tuesday Evening Confessions by the garage at St Joseph Church rectory at 4pm.
Wednesday Rosary live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at 8am.
Wednesday Mass live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at 9:30am.
Wednesday 3:00pm Chaplet of Divine Mercy live streamed on St Joseph Facebook.
Thursday Rosary live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at about 7:10am.
Thursday Mass live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at 8:00am.
Thursday Chaplet of Divine Mercy live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at about 3:30pm (after praying at the corner).
Friday Rosary live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at 7:10am.
Friday Mass live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at 8:00am.
Friday Chaplet of Divine Mercy live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at 3:00pm.
Saturday Mass live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at 8:00am.
Saturday Rosary live streamed on St Joseph Facebook at about 7:10am.
Saturday Morning Confessions by the garage at St Joseph Church rectory by 9:00am.
Saturday Evening Confessions by the garage at St Joseph Church  rectory  at 3:00pm.
Sunday Rosary live streamed on St Mary Facebook at 7:10am.
Sunday Mass live streamed on St Mary Facebook at 8:00am.

Notice, not all the Masses will be streamed live. Even if you miss the live streaming, it will be available as a recording for you when you have time. There will be recorded events in Spanish on the St Mary Facebook with Fr Ospina. I like to keep regular, but I never know what will happen next. I might be at different locations from time to time. Times may also vary. As we deal with this situation, I decided to focus on the prayers and gain peace of mind and heart. As we go, we will be getting better equipment and better at this and hope to keep in contact with you. 
Jesus gave us the Church to be a community of believers in support for each other. We are all a gift to each other by the graces of our Lord Jesus Christ. God bless you all!
— Fr Barr

Holy Day of Obligation January 1

This Wednesday is a holy day of obligation. It is the feast day of Holy Mary, Mother of God. The Mass times are as follows.

  • New years Eve 4pm Mass in St Joseph Church
  • New Years Day 8am Mass in St Mary Church
  • New Years Day 10:30am Mass in St Jospeh Church

St Mary’s All Saints Day & All Soul’s Day

Due to the way the calendar dates for All Saints Day and All Soul’s Day fall this year, St Mary’s will be observing these special days as follows:
St Mary’s will have an All Saint’s Day Mass on Friday,
November 1, at 5:00pm.
At the 8:00am Mass on Sunday, November 3, we will celebrate the lives of those who have died this past year, and also have candles lit for those who have paid for candles for their family members.
If you wish to purchase candles for the November 3 celebration for the deceased members at St Mary’s, be sure to have your money into the office by October 20. St Mary’s will purchase the candles for members who have died this past year.
Thank you for your understanding.

Smile Ministry

The Smile Ministry names are in the back of the church. Please take a name and send a Fall greeting!

Do you know someone who can’t get out and needs a smile sent their way to brighten their day? Ask them if they would like to have their name put on our Smile list. They will be sent a greeting at each holiday throughout the year. Call the office to add a name to our list.

St Mary Church Pancake Breakfast

St Mary’s will be holding a Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, August 25. We will be serving from 9:00am to 12:00 noon in the Holy Family Community Center.
Our menu includes Pancakes, Sausage, Scrambled Eggs, Applesauce and Beverage. Donations will be taken at the door for our St Mary’s debt. Please come and enjoy excellent food and family fellowship.

St Mary Volunteers

Thank you to all our volunteers for doing such a wonderful job of sharing your time and talents at St Mary Church and the Holy Family Community Center. Volunteers cover many tasks including church cleaning, lawn mowing, weeding, trimming, flower planting, and helping out with all of our fundraisers. You are a valued asset to St Mary Church – God Bless you.


The end of the 2018-2019 fiscal year will be here soon!!
On June 30, the end of the fiscal year, the Diocese will match the amount that has been raised this year to reduce the St Mary debt.
They will match the total amount that has been raised ONLY if the money received in the weekend collections and debt envelopes meets the base amount the Diocese set at the beginning of the Debt Reduction Campaign. That amount is $156,706.
To reach that goal, we need another $17,225 contributed in the weekend collections and debt envelopes before June 30, 2019.
Thank you for your generosity.
Please keep St Mary Church in your prayers
as many work hard to reduce the debt.