Welcome to St. Mary, St. Joseph Parish.
Welcome to our Parish community! We are so happy you have considered St. Mary or St. Joseph Church as your new home parish. To become a member of St. Mary or St. Joseph, fill out the Parish Registration English Form or Spanish Form and bring in to the office at 229 W. Washington Place, Freeport, IL 61032. You should receive a letter in the mail in two weeks after you turn in the registration form. Feel free to visit us anytime. We look forward to serving you in the future and seeing you at Mass. Please come in and introduce yourself to the priest and secretary. If you would like to volunteer for something, please let us know of your interests. The office hours are Monday-Thursday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm, and Friday 8:00 am to 12:00 noon. If you are not Catholic and would like to officially become Catholic, then you can sign up for the RCIA process.
Parish Registration forms: English Form or Spanish Form
Please check out all the rest of our website and take advantage of what we have to offer.
Here is a link to our weekly bulletins: https://stjosephstmary.com/bulletins/
Virtual tours:
If you are interested in becoming Catholic, follow this link to RCIA.