4th of July Mass

The United States of America was founded on the principles of God who is perfect, yet founded with imperfect men. It is the great risk of allowing all humans to live as God created us, with free will, calling us to love one another and to bring the Kingdom of God and all its graces here on earth. This freedom allows us to be a light to the world. We hope to continue to walk ever closer to Jesus as we bring His light to the world.


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Want to Become Catholic? Not Confirmed?

Come to our RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults) classes starting Sunday, September 8. The classes are from 12:30pm-2:00pm every Sunday in the rectory at St Joseph Church. We will be going over the basic teachings of the Catholic Church with Fr Barr and our deacons. We will learn about the Catholic understanding of the Bible, the sacraments, prayers, traditions and practices. Come and discover the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith and of the love our Lord Jesus has for you.

Finally, Lent is Beginning!

Ok, maybe people don’t think such thoughts, but this priest is not normal. I love lent. Every year I experience God’s grace in this special time of the year. Don’t get me wrong, I do have to get myself geared up to give up my favorites (sugar, sugar and did I say sugar?). The reward Jesus gives every year is always there. I know He gives it to you too because I see it. I love seeing God giving you those graces. I only hope you have the eyes to see it too. Continue reading “Finally, Lent is Beginning!”

Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule

 Christmas Eve – Monday, December 24

  • 3:30pm – Choir Concert with Community Singing
  • 4:00pm – St Joseph Church – Fr. Barr

Christmas Day – Tuesday, December 25

  • 8:00am – St Mary Church – Fr. Barr
  • 10:30am – St Joseph Church – Fr. Barr
  • 1:00pm – St Mary Church (en Español) – Fr. Ricardo

Continue reading “Christmas & New Year Mass Schedule”

Eucharistic Adoration Holy Hour of Healing

Are you hurting? Do you need quiet reflection time? Time alone with Jesus? Join us for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration with a healing service on Friday, December 7, at 5:00pm in St Mary Church.