Cardinal Cupich Warns Against ‘Radical’ Illinois Abortion Bills

One bill would remove many regulations, including a ban on partial-birth abortion; other bill would repeal the state parental-notification law.

Catholic News Agency
CHICAGO — Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago has spoken out against a pair of Illinois abortion bills, calling them a radical and disturbing movement away from the common good.
In a March 23 letter to the people of his archdiocese, Cupich encouraged Catholics to take a stand against the legislation.
One of the bills — introduced as House Bill 2495 and Senate Bill 1942 — “seeks to strip unborn persons of any protection — or even consideration — under the law and declares abortion to be a ‘fundamental right’ and matter of health care,” he warned. …

Fujimori Re-Imprisonment and Peru’s Forgotten Forced-Sterilization Program

In an age when the #MeToo movement has increased the sensitivity toward the rights of women, many would be shocked to realize that a U.S. government agency and the U.N. Population Fund encouraged and financed a program of forced sterilizations in Peru during the 1990s. …

Where is Jesus in the Midst of the Church’s Sex-Abuse Crisis

Father Thomas Berg is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, a former Legionary of Christ and professor of moral theology, vice rector and director of admissions at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie, New York. He is author of Hurting in the Church: A Way Forward for Wounded Catholics. He spoke recently with CNA’s Courtney Grogan about the challenges Catholics face amid the Church’s sexual abuse and misconduct scandals. The interview is below, edited for clarity and length. …

Humanae Vitae: The Courage of Pope Paul VI Stood Out During a Tumultuous 1968

The year 1968 remains a watershed moment in an era of revolution and upheaval.

With the world engulfed in social, political and especially sexual upheaval, the year witnessed the brutal rejection of a relatively brief papal document that sought to clarify the Church’s teachings on family life and the regulation of births. Humanae Vitae (The Regulation of Birth) remains one of the most polarizing papal encyclicals of all time, but also one of the most prophetic in foreseeing vividly the immense dangers of a contraceptive culture that ultimately came to pass.

Life-Giving Love: NFP Advances Half-Century After Humanae Vitae

For millennials like Shannon Whitmore, 29, natural family planning does not involve charting on paper and penciling in fertility data. Whitmore and her husband are assessing her fertility using her smartphone…

Symposium: ‘Humanae Vitae’ Teachings Essential for Stable Marriages, Families

Benedictine College event looked at why the teachings of the Church are the answer to many current cultural and societal problems.
Mary Rezac/CNA/EWTN News
ATCHISON, Kan. — The promise of the sexual revolution and contraception was total sexual freedom for everyone.
“Sex is for fun and now women can have just as much fun without the consequences,” Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco said about the claims of the sexual revolution in a recent talk.
“That was the cry of the day, and yet somehow it didn’t work out that way,” he said.
What went wrong? It’s a question that….

2018 MRC Special Year: Volunteers Needed

WE ARE EXCITED! JUNE 2018 is our year of blessings: A child will have a chance. The woman will feel Loved and Supported. Freeport will open doors to suffering women. We will bond in love as we serve. Thank you for standing by us. Your love and sacrifices achieved so much. However, there are still pieces of work to be completed: cleaning, dusting, painting and so on. Come and help. Take a tour of the building and see how you can help. We set aside three work Saturdays – March 24, April 7 and 28 (8:00am to 4:00pm) or choose your own day! We pray for many volunteers to reach our goal. Give a baby a chance with skilled or unskilled hours. Bring your teenage children. All types of age-appropriate work are needed! Continue reading “2018 MRC Special Year: Volunteers Needed”

Charity, A Means to Love God

Oct 20, 2015

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