Why the Rosary is Not “Vain Repetition”

Protestants sometimes charge Catholics with “vain repetition” in praying the Rosary. This is a reference to Matthew 6:7, where Jesus instructs, “When you pray to not babble with vain repetition as the pagans do.” …


Of Courage, Humanae Vitae, and the Martyrdom of Speaking Up

When I got to St. Anthony’s for Mass last Saturday, I noticed the bulletins in the rack had the same cover as the ones at my own parish. “Canonization of Saint Paul VI & Saint Óscar Romero,” they read across the top, “October 14, 2018.” Beneath was a portrait of the two men side by side: Paul with his white papal skullcap (or zucchetto), the bespectacled Archbishop with his episcopal reddish one. …


All Souls Day Masses

There is an envelope in your packet for All Souls Masses. Please list your intentions on the back and return it as soon as possible. All the deceased members of the parishes from the past year will be honored. Masses will be at 8:00am at St Joseph Church and 7:00pm (Spanish) at St Mary Church on Nov. 2. Mass will be at 8:00am on Sunday, Nov. 4 at St Mary Church. A form for candles is in the back of the church. You may purchase a candle in memory of other deceased loved ones.

Fatima Prayers

Inspired to offer up all his sufferings to Jesus for the salvation of sinners, Francesco said this prayer, “My God, we offer you all these sufferings and sacrifices! It is an act of reparation for the conversion of Sinners.” At the first apparition, Our Lady of Fatima told the children to Say the rosary every day, to obtain peace for the world, and the end of the war. (5 decade rosary each day)

Bible: Romans #5

In verses 18 through 20, we see how God created everything to reveal who He is and reflect His ways. In the things He created, we can derive that God exists, and furthermore, what is good and what is evil. God created things with a purpose and an order according to that purpose. We can discover that the eye has the purpose to help us see and the stomach helps us digest food to stay alive. God even gave us taste buds so that we may have pleasure in eating to inspire us to stay alive. If anything comes along that prevents or hinders the eye from seeing or the stomach from digesting, then that would be ‘an evil’ and unhealthy. But if medicine or some sort of assistance were to come along to help the eye see or the stomach to digest, then that would be ‘a good’ and healthy. It is just as much true with our bodies as it is with our souls. God created our bodies and souls not in a general way, but with detail, reason and purpose. Continue reading “Bible: Romans #5”

Warning: Humanae Vitae Can Change Your Life!

It seems like only yesterday that I was introduced to Humanae Vitae through a class on the theology of the body, but in truth, it has been nearly 20 years.

During the summer of 1999, when I was working for the Archdiocese of Denver raising money for the inner-city Catholic schools, a young intern knocked on my door and invited me to join a theology of the body class she was offering. Even though I had never heard of Pope St. John Paul II’s “theology of the body,” she and I had the beginnings of a warm friendship, and so without hesitation, I signed up. I didn’t realize…
