Cardinal O’Malley Calls for Accountability and Consequences

Citing a loss of patience among Catholics and loss of confidence from civil society, Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston on August 21, 2018, called for “clear and transparent systems of accountability and consequence for Church leadership”. …

Where is Jesus in the Midst of the Church’s Sex-Abuse Crisis

Father Thomas Berg is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York, a former Legionary of Christ and professor of moral theology, vice rector and director of admissions at St. Joseph’s Seminary in Dunwoodie, New York. He is author of Hurting in the Church: A Way Forward for Wounded Catholics. He spoke recently with CNA’s Courtney Grogan about the challenges Catholics face amid the Church’s sexual abuse and misconduct scandals. The interview is below, edited for clarity and length. …

Warning: Humanae Vitae Can Change Your Life!

It seems like only yesterday that I was introduced to Humanae Vitae through a class on the theology of the body, but in truth, it has been nearly 20 years.

During the summer of 1999, when I was working for the Archdiocese of Denver raising money for the inner-city Catholic schools, a young intern knocked on my door and invited me to join a theology of the body class she was offering. Even though I had never heard of Pope St. John Paul II’s “theology of the body,” she and I had the beginnings of a warm friendship, and so without hesitation, I signed up. I didn’t realize…

Humanae Vitae: The Reason My Wife and I Returned to the Church

When I recently read about the new assault within the Church on Pope Blessed Paul VI’s 1968 encyclical on contraception, I was deeply disturbed. Humanae Vitae told the truth about contraception and all its negative impacts on people and society. It was precisely because we read Humanae Vitae that my wife, Margaret, I and became “reverts” to the Catholic Church after being away for almost 20 years. Margaret and I were bot…

Bible: Acts of the Apostles #21

As we get near the end of the Acts of the Apostles, we learn more about the shipwreck that Paul experiences (2 Cor 11:25; Acts 27). Even though Paul is held bound as a prisoner, it seems he feels like part of the team to make sure they have safe voyage. Paul does nothing to escape injustice. He has visitors who tell him that everyone will be safe on the ship. Continue reading “Bible: Acts of the Apostles #21”

Presence St Joseph Auxiliary Spring Luncheon

 Meet your friends! Enjoy great food! Support a worthy cause by attending the Presence St Joseph Auxiliary Annual Spring Luncheon on Tuesday, April 24 from 11:00am to 1:00pm at St Thomas Aquinas Church, 1400 Kiwanis Dr., Freeport, IL.
Tickets are $9.00 and will be sold at the door. Carry-outs will be available. Thank you for your support!

Aquin PAWS Accepting Birthing Kits for Haiti

Aquin PAWS Accepting Supplies for Birthing Kits for Haiti Aquin PAWS is again preparing to assemble newborn kits for the babies in Haiti. The kits will be assembled in late April. We are in need of the following donations: 2 receiving blankets, 15 baby gowns (no feet), 24 pairs of baby socks, 60 cloth diapers, 5 housecoats for the moms (size medium or large), 24 bath-size bar soaps, and 48 diaper pins. Items should be new or gently used. Your donation can be brought to Aquin’s Student Office at 1419 South Galena during regular school hours. Please call Connie at 815-2353154 x 230 if you have any questions. Thank you for your support.

Holy Hour and Healing Service

Are you hurting? Do you need quiet reflection time? Time alone with Jesus?
Join us for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration with a healing service on Friday, April 6, at 5:00pm in St Mary Church.

Liturgy Schedule for Holy Week

Thursday Evening Mass

  • in St Joseph at 5:30pm
  • in St Mary Church at 7pm in Spanish

Good Friday Services

  • Veneration of the Cross in St Mary Church at 12:10pm
  • St Mary Youth Living Stations of the cross on St Mary grounds (Outside) at 2pm
  • Passion of the Christ viewing in the Holy Family Community Center at 3pm
  • Veneration of the Cross in St Mary Church at 7pm in Spanish

Easter Celebrations

  • 4 pm Vigil Mass in St Joseph Church
  • 7pm Vigil Mass in St Mary Church in Spanish
  • 8am Sunday in St Mary Church
  • 10:30am Sunday Mass in St Joseph Church
  • 1pm Sunday Mass in St Mary Church in Spanish