The next Aryl Dailey Free Community Lunch will be Saturday, April 21 from 11:30am to 1:00pm in Berg Hall. This will be the final lunch of the season; we will resume the monthly meals in October. Items needed are: apples, oranges and cookies/brownies. If you can donate any of these items, please contact Mary Koppi at 815-232-4687. We will also be collecting household cleaning items and these may be brought to Berg Hall after 9:00 on the 21st. One hundred twenty-two meals were provided at the March lunch. We consistently provide over one hundred meals each month and we could not continue this service without your continued support. Thank you to all who give of their time each month to prepare and serve the meals, to deliver meals to the homebound, and to donate fruit and cookies and other supplies. You have touched the lives of many in our community through your generosity.
Only God’s Love Satisfies
Last weeks homily
Aquin PAWS Accepting Birthing Kits for Haiti
Aquin PAWS Accepting Supplies for Birthing Kits for Haiti Aquin PAWS is again preparing to assemble newborn kits for the babies in Haiti. The kits will be assembled in late April. We are in need of the following donations: 2 receiving blankets, 15 baby gowns (no feet), 24 pairs of baby socks, 60 cloth diapers, 5 housecoats for the moms (size medium or large), 24 bath-size bar soaps, and 48 diaper pins. Items should be new or gently used. Your donation can be brought to Aquin’s Student Office at 1419 South Galena during regular school hours. Please call Connie at 815-2353154 x 230 if you have any questions. Thank you for your support.
Only God’s Love Satisfies
He Has Freed us From Slavery to Sin and Death
Apr 3, 2018
Audio and Video
2018 MRC Special Year: Volunteers Needed
WE ARE EXCITED! JUNE 2018 is our year of blessings: A child will have a chance. The woman will feel Loved and Supported. Freeport will open doors to suffering women. We will bond in love as we serve. Thank you for standing by us. Your love and sacrifices achieved so much. However, there are still pieces of work to be completed: cleaning, dusting, painting and so on. Come and help. Take a tour of the building and see how you can help. We set aside three work Saturdays – March 24, April 7 and 28 (8:00am to 4:00pm) or choose your own day! We pray for many volunteers to reach our goal. Give a baby a chance with skilled or unskilled hours. Bring your teenage children. All types of age-appropriate work are needed! Continue reading “2018 MRC Special Year: Volunteers Needed”
Holy Thursday Collection
Holy Thursday Collection Two years ago, we began a tradition of giving the Holy Thursday collection to a family or organization in need of assistance. The recipients for the past two years have been the Dailey & Kornfeind families. This year’s recipient will be the Hope for Haitians project. Thank you for your kindness!
Palm Sunday 2018
Mar 28, 2018
Audio and Video
Even after He was mocked and scourged, Jesus takes an active part I our salvation.
THe Power of Christ Crucified
“Now is the time of judgment on this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out.
And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself.” He said this indicating the kind of death he would die.” -John 12:31-33
Think of it: a graphic image of a man tortured to death: bled dry, bruised, contorted, abused, hideously mistreated. Imagine such an image on the walls of homes, in schoolrooms, at crossroads, in courtrooms, worn about the neck, and venerated in places of worship. Such is the figure of the crucified Savior throughout traditional Europe and Latin America—whether Catholic, Orthodox, or even Lutheran. Countless millions of men, women, and children will describe this image as beautiful, as moving, as attractive. Continue reading “THe Power of Christ Crucified”
Ten Commandments and Love of God
Mar 6, 2018
Audio and Video