International Appeal

Thank you to all who brought their envelopes with them this weekend to donate to the Diocesan International Appeal. If you forgot yours, you can still bring it next weekend and place it in the offering basket. If you did not receive an envelope in the mail, there are a few available in the back of church. Thank you for your generosity!!

Holy Thursday Collection

Holy Thursday Collection Two years ago, we began a tradition of giving the Holy Thursday collection to a family or organization in need of assistance. The recipients for the past two years have been the Dailey & Kornfeind families. This year’s recipient will be the Hope for Haitians project. Thank you for your kindness!

Blood Drive

 A great way to begin our Holy week observances. Jesus so willingly shed his blood for us, will you do the same for our community? The Rock River Valley Blood Mobile will be parked in the back of St Joseph Church on Wednesday, March 28, from 2:00pm-7:00pm. Sign- up sheets are in the back of the church, however, walk-ins are welcome! Please call Colleen at 815-275-6378 with any questions.

If You Give Everything, You’ll Gain Everything

Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Being brought up in a Bible-believing Protestant home, I had to memorize verses from the King James Version of the Bible. I’m glad I did. Not only did I learn God’s word by heart, but the words were written in my heart. They’re in there. Down deep.
One of the verse I had to learn was, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.” It is a question of priorities, and it is really very simple: Put God first and everything else falls into its proper place. Put God first and you shall have all things according to their worth.
The converse is therefore also true: Put something else first and you will lose all things, and the surprising thing is that you will eventually also lose the thing that you put first. Here are some examples:

Giving and Worship

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