Unless You Eat the Flesh of the Son of Man and Drink His Blood, You Do Not Have Life Within You

Audio Only

Emotions Causing Suffering

Saturday 5:30pm Mass in St Joseph Church

Sunday 10:30am Mass in St Joseph Church

What Kind of Fruit Is In Baltimore?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brIwL9INp5Y?rel=0&w=560&h=315]

The Ascension Is Our Glory, The Eucharist Is How We Partake Of It

8am Mass in St Mary Church: Ascension Sunday

10:30am Mass in St Joseph Church: Ascension Sunday and First Holy Communions

What Kind of Fruit Is In Baltimore?

Resorting to violence is not the teachings of Jesus the Christ. Christians everywhere need to claim Jesus for our country and demand that prayer be allowed in our schools.