Here is the book at a cheaper price: https://www.amazon.com/Anti-Mary-Exposed-Rescuing-Culture-Femininity/dp/1505110262/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+anti-+Mary+exposed&qid=1571065828&sr=8-1
Here is the book at a cheaper price: https://www.amazon.com/Anti-Mary-Exposed-Rescuing-Culture-Femininity/dp/1505110262/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+anti-+Mary+exposed&qid=1571065828&sr=8-1
IHM Sisters and the MRC Family wish to express their sincere gratitude to Father Barr and our beloved St Joseph-St Mary Parishes for all the support we received for our Mission. The Spaghetti Dinner was a huge success thanks to all of you. The desserts, and turning out in your numbers despite the biting cold, meant so much to us. We served about 475 dinners and netted over $1,000.00 in donations. Thank you for always being there for us. May the good Lord reward you abundantly. — Sister Theo
Some of the women in the parishes saw the men’s group and said they wanted one as well. So we are having a women’s group meet on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the Month at 6pm. We will begin in St Joseph Church and move into the rectory for discussion and fellowship. We should be done by 7:30pm.
The Vocation Office will be hosting a vocational discernment “Nun Run” for women 18 years of age, college age and older who are interested in a religious vocation. We will be visiting Sisters and Nuns of different orders with different apostolates, this will include talks on discernment and religious life, time in prayer with our Lord, as well as many opportunities to meet, share and pray with the sisters. We will be visiting various religious communities, in Indiana and Kentucky. Cost is only $90.00. Date of the trip will be March 8 – 12, 2019. Deadline for registration is February 22, 2019, space is limited. You can contact the Vocation Office at 815/399-4300 ext. 375, our web-site www.rockforddiocese.org/vocations Women or dbarger@rockforddiocese.org for more information.
In an age when the #MeToo movement has increased the sensitivity toward the rights of women, many would be shocked to realize that a U.S. government agency and the U.N. Population Fund encouraged and financed a program of forced sterilizations in Peru during the 1990s. …
Abortion is an uneasy topic for many people. But it is something that must be discussed. It is the number one cause of death of babies in the womb by far. Since the decision of roe vs wade in 1973, there has been more than 60 million deaths in the womb. The statistics show that one third of the population has been aborted. That is one out of three children were aborted! How many of these aborted babies would have been our spouses, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, brothers or sisters? At this rate, I doubt any of us could say that we were not affected. … Continue reading “How Important is Abortion?”
Knights of Columbus Madonna House Pork Chop dinner Saturday, October 6th, from 5-7
The Freeport and Shannon Knights of Columbus councils will be holding a Pork Chop dinner benefitting the Madonna House @ St. Thomas in Freeport from 5-7 Saturday, October 6th. Served will be boneless Porkchop; Mashed Potato; Corn; salad; desert and drink. Cost is $10 for one chop; $12 for two chops. Tickets sold at the door. For information contact Tom Willison at 815-275-7111 or Phil Hoppenjan @ 847-340-1891.
At least 22 women in America have died and thousands more have experienced serious complications from taking abortion pills, according to updated guidance from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The FDA updated its guidance on mifepristone (known as Mifeprex or Mifegyne), the first stage of a medical abortion that blocks the progesterone needed for a pregnancy to continue, after receiving “reports of serious adverse events in women” who took it. …
FDA Report: Abortion Pill Kills 22 Women, Injures Thousands More
VATICAN CITY — In an interview with Reuters, Pope Francis said more space has to be created for women to take on leading roles in the Roman Curia, but that priestly ordination is not an option.
Responding to a question about women’s ordination to the priesthood, the Pope said that “there is the temptation to ‘functionalize’ the reflection on women in the Church, what they should do, what they should become.” …
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — While the nation’s largest beauty pageant is proudly covering up in the name of women’s empowerment, Americans increasingly believe pornography to be morally acceptable — a trend that one Catholic commentator finds to be incoherent.