We have set aside one more work day for this month — Saturday, April 28 (8:00am to 4:00pm) or choose your own day! Feel free to bring your teenage children — all types of age-appropriate work need to be completed!
You may also donate work items (work gloves, pliers, paint brushes, mops/buckets, brooms, sandpapers, hammers, and so on). Let us know on time — to prepare for you! God bless you. — Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
2018 MRC Special Year: Volunteers Needed
WE ARE EXCITED! JUNE 2018 is our year of blessings: A child will have a chance. The woman will feel Loved and Supported. Freeport will open doors to suffering women. We will bond in love as we serve. Thank you for standing by us. Your love and sacrifices achieved so much. However, there are still pieces of work to be completed: cleaning, dusting, painting and so on. Come and help. Take a tour of the building and see how you can help. We set aside three work Saturdays – March 24, April 7 and 28 (8:00am to 4:00pm) or choose your own day! We pray for many volunteers to reach our goal. Give a baby a chance with skilled or unskilled hours. Bring your teenage children. All types of age-appropriate work are needed! Continue reading “2018 MRC Special Year: Volunteers Needed”
The Marian Society will meet on Thursday, March 8, at 7:00pm, in Berg Hall. Members are reminded that yearly dues of $10.00 are payable at this time. The program will be presented by Kerrylynn Whalen Rodriguez. Kerrylynn has been a pharmacist for nearly forty years and has gone on twenty-six humanitarian/medical trips to Peru and the Amazon. She recruits, trains and escorts volunteers through her organization Casa de Salud Peru (House of Health Peru). She will be leaving on another mission to South America in July. She is in need of the following items: colored pencils, girls’ hair accessories, toothbrushes, dish towels, handmade baby hats and blankets and pot holders. We will be collecting these items at the meeting — please be generous. All ladies of St Joseph and St Mary are invited to attend.
Ladies Guild
Ladies Guild Meeting St Mary Ladies Guild will meet on Wednesday, March 7, at 6:30pm in the Holy Family Community Center. This meeting will be a planning meeting for the 2018 year. Contact Linda Nott: 815-235-4575 or glnott@comcast.net
Planned Parenthoodand Its Foundation; Eugenics
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GdGM7pPgbcg?rel=0]
Dignity of Women and The Faith They Need
Jul 20, 2015
Audio and Video
Emotions Causing Suffering
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbaIFmpgaRY?rel=0]
Emotions Causing Suffering
Saturday 5:30pm Mass in St Joseph Church
Sunday 10:30am Mass in St Joseph Church