Annual Spaghetti Dinner!

The Madonna Renewal Center (MRC) is hosting a delicious Spaghetti Dinner to benefit the women and children at the Madonna Renewal Center. Come and enjoy some great food, great company, and support our very own amazing Blue Nuns!

Place: St Thomas Church, 1400 Kiwanis Dr., Freeport
Date: Tuesday, March 5
Time: 4:00pm to 7:00pm
Tickets: $8.00 before the event/$9.00 at the door

Tickets may be purchased from MRC committee members, Christensen Hometown Realtors, Gemorifics, Luecke Jewelers, St Joseph/St Mary Church Office, or by contacting Mary Julius at 815-238-0695 or Sister Laurenti at 815-616-9672.

Pre-arranged carry-outs will be available by calling Colleen at 815-275-6378. Please drive to the back of the Church Hall for all carry-outs.


4th Annual Benefit Dance for the Madonna Renewal Center — Nov 10, 7-10pm at the Eagles Club!
A dance featuring the Madmen will be held at the Eagles Club, 1200 W. Galena Ave., on November 10 from 7:0010:00pm. Tickets are $12.00 in advance and $15.00 at the door. Advance tickets will be sold at St Joseph Catholic Church, Hometown Realty, Eagles Club, and Gemorifics, all located in Freeport.
A bake sale, including Christmas cookies, will be held and chances will be sold for an opportunity to win a hickory rocking chair donated by Rite-Way. All profits will benefit the Madonna Renewal Center in Freeport.

Madonna Renewal Center Saturday Work Day

We have set aside one more work day for this month — Saturday, April 28 (8:00am to 4:00pm) or choose your own day! Feel free to bring your teenage children — all types of age-appropriate work need to be completed!
You may also donate work items (work gloves, pliers, paint brushes, mops/buckets, brooms, sandpapers, hammers, and so on). Let us know on time — to prepare for you! God bless you. — Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Spaghetti Dinner!

The Madonna Renewal Center is hosting a delicious Spaghetti Dinner to benefit their renovation efforts. Treat your Valentine, or yourself! Come and enjoy some great food, great company, and support our very own amazing Blue Nuns! Carry out will be available. Place: St Thomas Aquinas O’Neill Center Date: Tuesday, February 13 Time: 4:00pm to 7:00pm Tickets: $8.00 before the event/$9.00 at the door Tickets will be available at Mary’s Mantel, Gemorifics, Christensen Hometown Realtors, St Thomas Aquinas Office, St Joseph/St Mary Church Office, and after Masses the weekends of Feb. 3 & 4 and Feb. 10 & 11.