Having Faith Should Not Be Held Against Us

By Bishop David J. Malloy
We live in a time in which it is no secret that faith is being challenged by the ideology of secularism.

Public, especially governmental, support for religion and faith has diminished. In fact, a case can be made that there is even opposition to faith that is growing in circles of our government and our public discourse.

This anti-religious sentiment presents a particular and, in some ways, purifying challenge to every believer. In the past, the practice of religion was taken for granted; it was even fashionable. Everyone did it.

There was a common recognition that even if there were creedal and religious differences, the practice of religion makes us better, as a nation and as individuals. …


The Knights of Columbus Helping the Madonna Renewal Center

Knights of Columbus Madonna House Pork Chop dinner Saturday, October 6th, from 5-7

The Freeport and Shannon Knights of Columbus councils will be holding a Pork Chop dinner benefitting the Madonna House @ St. Thomas in Freeport from 5-7 Saturday, October 6th. Served will be boneless Porkchop; Mashed Potato; Corn; salad; desert and drink. Cost is $10 for one chop; $12 for two chops. Tickets sold at the door. For information contact Tom Willison at 815-275-7111 or Phil Hoppenjan @ 847-340-1891.

Giving and Worship

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Charity, A Means to Love God

Oct 20, 2015

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