Want to Become Catholic? Not Confirmed?

Come to our RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults) classes starting Sunday, September 8. The classes are from 12:30pm-2:00pm every Sunday in the rectory at St Joseph Church. We will be going over the basic teachings of the Catholic Church with Fr Barr and our deacons. We will learn about the Catholic understanding of the Bible, the sacraments, prayers, traditions and practices. Come and discover the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith and of the love our Lord Jesus has for you.

Register Now for the 2019 Women of Christ Conference

The 11th annual WOMEN OF CHRIST® CONFERENCE will be held November 9, 2019 at Washington County Fair Park, West Bend. Come and See, He Delights in you is the theme. Conference concludes with 4:00pm Mass celebrated by Archbishop Jerome Listecki. Outstanding speakers include Bishop Donald Hying, Steve Ray, Kimberly Hahn, and Derya Little. Confession and Adoration is available all day. Group (5 or more) and online discounts apply. If you want to reserve a seat on the bus, please contact Cynthia Saar, your Parish Liaison for WOCC at (815) 232-7400 or cell: (815) 990-2371.
Register: womenofchrist.net Phone: 262-384-8414
E-Mail: womenofchrist@gmail.com

Lent Almsgiving

This Lent our almsgiving offering will be given to
the Society of St Vincent de Paul. You will find
envelopes in the pews with a St Vincent de Paul
label. According to custom, you are asked to make a
sacrifice of eating one small meal in place of a large one
and place the difference of the cost in your almsgiving
offering. Please return your offering by Easter. The Society
of St Vincent de Paul operates with the generosity of YOU.
Thank you for your generosity.

Ash Wednesday Mass Times

8:00am School Mass at St Joseph Fr. Barr

8:00am English Mass at St Mary Fr. Diego
Sacristan – Ev Bouray
Servers – Needed
Lectors – Mark Rapp
Eucharistic Minister – Mark Rapp, Linda Nott,
Nancy Brooks
Ushers – Bob Bouray, Dave Warneke,

9:30am Mass at Presence Fr. Barr

5:30pm Mass at St Joseph Fr. Barr
Sacristan – Jean Mertz
Servers – Needed
Lectors – Pat Weigel, Scott Helms
Eucharistic Minister – Lana Schuck, Dee Roser,
Lisa Herrling
Ushers – John Berg, Mary Connors,
Dee Roser, Mike Schuck,
Mike Szula

7:00pm Spanish Mass at St Mary Fr. Diego

Finally, Lent is Beginning!

Ok, maybe people don’t think such thoughts, but this priest is not normal. I love lent. Every year I experience God’s grace in this special time of the year. Don’t get me wrong, I do have to get myself geared up to give up my favorites (sugar, sugar and did I say sugar?). The reward Jesus gives every year is always there. I know He gives it to you too because I see it. I love seeing God giving you those graces. I only hope you have the eyes to see it too. Continue reading “Finally, Lent is Beginning!”

The Diocese of Rockford Vocation Office is Sponsoring our Annual Spring Nun Run

The Vocation Office will be hosting a vocational discernment “Nun Run” for women 18 years of age, college age and older who are interested in a religious vocation. We will be visiting Sisters and Nuns of different orders with different apostolates, this will include talks on discernment and religious life, time in prayer with our Lord, as well as many opportunities to meet, share and pray with the sisters. We will be visiting various religious communities, in Indiana and Kentucky. Cost is only $90.00. Date of the trip will be March 8 – 12, 2019. Deadline for registration is February 22, 2019, space is limited. You can contact the Vocation Office at 815/399-4300 ext. 375, our web-site www.rockforddiocese.org/vocations Women or dbarger@rockforddiocese.org for more information.