Here is the book at a cheaper price: https://www.amazon.com/Anti-Mary-Exposed-Rescuing-Culture-Femininity/dp/1505110262/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+anti-+Mary+exposed&qid=1571065828&sr=8-1
Here is the book at a cheaper price: https://www.amazon.com/Anti-Mary-Exposed-Rescuing-Culture-Femininity/dp/1505110262/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=the+anti-+Mary+exposed&qid=1571065828&sr=8-1
God has been so merciful to us. It is so good for us to extend that benefit to others. It brings clarity and purity of mind and heart. It calls heaven down here on earth.
One bill would remove many regulations, including a ban on partial-birth abortion; other bill would repeal the state parental-notification law.
Catholic News Agency
CHICAGO — Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago has spoken out against a pair of Illinois abortion bills, calling them a radical and disturbing movement away from the common good.
In a March 23 letter to the people of his archdiocese, Cupich encouraged Catholics to take a stand against the legislation.
One of the bills — introduced as House Bill 2495 and Senate Bill 1942 — “seeks to strip unborn persons of any protection — or even consideration — under the law and declares abortion to be a ‘fundamental right’ and matter of health care,” he warned. …
This is the letter from Bishop Malloy from Sunday, March 3, 2019:
These are the bills Bishop Malloy is referring to in the state of Illinois: HB 2467 and HB 2495 Continue reading “Bishop Malloy’s Letter about the new bill introduced in Springfield”
Help us set our State of Illinois right.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nGuX0IQU5w]
Is what is said accurate? What do these House Bills say? House Bill 2467, House Bill 2495
Go to this web site to let our legislators in Springfield know of your opposition to Abortion and support for rights to conscience and parental rights.
This is information from Bishop Malloy with his letter to the faithful from this weekend (3/3/19) and the Diocese of Rockford. https://www.rockforddiocese.org/article/?id=659
This is an earlier article from the observer about the bills being introduced by the IL government: http://observer.rockforddiocese.org/article?id=1479
Go on the Bus trip to Springfield with the diocese: https://www.rockforddiocese.org/life/life-dignity/current-events-life-issues/life-advocacy-day/
At the federal level there were two bills put forward S.130 and S.311 per the request of President Trump. S.311 was rejected. For S.130 discussions were made then it was shelved.
To let our legislators know where we stand in Washington:
Take Action: https://www.votervoice.net/USCCB/Campaigns/63809/Respond (in response to the vote)
– USCCB’s Official Statement 2/27/19: http://www.usccb.org/news/2019/19-040.cfm
January 22 marks the 46th anniversary of the decisions of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton. It is most unfortunate that our justices made the decisions they made, opening the door for more than sixty million babies being killed from abortions in the US alone since that time. But more was at stake than abortion and the lives of babies. The ramifications of what was to follow would devastate America and the whole world. Continue reading “Roe v. Wade Anniversary”
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 11th Circuit issued an order Thursday vacating a 2014 district-court decision against the Eternal Word Television Network in its lawsuit against the so-called contraceptive mandate issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. The order follows a settlement between the network and the Department of Justice reached Oct. 5.
Under the terms of the settlement, EWTN will not be required to provide contraception, sterilization or abortifacients through its employee health-care plan.
“This moment has been a long time coming,” said EWTN Chairman and…
Nov 29, 2018
Audio and Video
When we get to the end of our life, we will bow down to one or the other; Satan or Jesus. Satan offers us to do whatever we want, whereas Jesus gave us a way to follow, namely the Ten Commandments and the cross in this life. At the end of our life comes our final judgement. If we do what we want, we will be serving Satan and suffer eternity from him. If we follow Jesus, He will offer infinite love, joy and peace.
Colin has a great plan that can take the pro-life cause to another level and may even bring it to victory.
Here is the web site has just got going. https://thetippingpoint.org/
Here is his facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donateprolife/
This week will begin the month of November. We end October with a secular holiday of Halloween and begin the new month of November with All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. Halloween started as a pagan feast day that demanded a sacrifice to the pagan gods. The priests of the old Irish pagan religion demanded a sacrifice from the harvest. They would knock on every door demanding the food for sacrificing to the pagan gods. When the person opened the door they would say, “trick or treat,” meaning, get us the food for sacrifice or we will put a curse on you. Not my idea of a great holiday. Continue reading “Souls in Purgatory”