If You Give Everything, You’ll Gain Everything

Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Being brought up in a Bible-believing Protestant home, I had to memorize verses from the King James Version of the Bible. I’m glad I did. Not only did I learn God’s word by heart, but the words were written in my heart. They’re in there. Down deep.
One of the verse I had to learn was, “Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.” It is a question of priorities, and it is really very simple: Put God first and everything else falls into its proper place. Put God first and you shall have all things according to their worth.
The converse is therefore also true: Put something else first and you will lose all things, and the surprising thing is that you will eventually also lose the thing that you put first. Here are some examples:


Winter Olympic Gold Medalist Speaks of Catholic Identity in Fast-Paced World

It is common for bobsledders to reach speeds of 80 to 90 miles per hour in international races. While this may make for thrilling competition, Olympic gold medalist Curt Tomasevicz — no stranger to flying on ice — has a deep appreciation for slowing down.
The Shelby, Nebraska, native recently helped to organize a retreat at a Benedictine monastery. This was a reminder for him of what is most important in life. Despite a decorated career that includes not only an Olympic gold and bronze medal, but also three gold, two silver and five bronze medals at the World Championships — he knows that he cannot take them with him when he departs from this life. …


Happy Thanksgiving! We Have A-Lot to Be Thankful For

We have so many things to be grateful for. No matter how dark our lives may get, God is always there and still loves us. When humanity seems to have left you, no longer cares or even hate you; you still have Jesus at your side. That alone is worth giving thanks.


Jesus is a Different Kind of King

Nov 23, 2015

Audio and Video

8am at St Mary Church

10:30am at St Joseph Church

Giving and Worship

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rC4V3LTap_8?rel=0]

Wisdom Is Better Than Anything This World Can Offer

Oct 12, 2015

Audio and Video

Humility is Something To Rejoice In

Sep 20, 2015

Audio and Video

Saturday 5:30pm Mass

Sunday 8am Mass