Finally, Lent is Beginning!

Ok, maybe people don’t think such thoughts, but this priest is not normal. I love lent. Every year I experience God’s grace in this special time of the year. Don’t get me wrong, I do have to get myself geared up to give up my favorites (sugar, sugar and did I say sugar?). The reward Jesus gives every year is always there. I know He gives it to you too because I see it. I love seeing God giving you those graces. I only hope you have the eyes to see it too. Continue reading “Finally, Lent is Beginning!”

What is Love?

Feb 8, 2019

Audio and Video

Listen to all three. Each Homily has the same base information, but was persented differently as there is so much to talk about on this issue. Still, there is more about love tha what is presented here.

Saturday 4pm Mass:

Sunday 8am Mass:

Sunday 10:30 Mass: 

There is an appropriate way in which God wants us to share His love for each other, based on the nature of our relationships. Mothers are to love their children in a way that is appropriate for mothers to love their chidren. Priests need to love their people in a way that is appropriate to the way God calls them to love, with chastity. Their is an appropriate way in which men are called to love men. Men are indeed called to love each other; God demands it! But this love is called to be chaste and ccording to God’s plan. …

Continue reading “What is Love?”

Who Will You Bow Down To?

Nov 29, 2018

Audio and Video

When we get to the end of our life, we will bow down to one or the other; Satan or Jesus. Satan offers us to do whatever we want, whereas Jesus gave us a way to follow, namely the Ten Commandments and the cross in this life. At the end of our life comes our final judgement. If we do what we want, we will be serving Satan and suffer eternity from him. If we follow Jesus, He will offer infinite love, joy and peace.

Bible: Romans #5

In verses 18 through 20, we see how God created everything to reveal who He is and reflect His ways. In the things He created, we can derive that God exists, and furthermore, what is good and what is evil. God created things with a purpose and an order according to that purpose. We can discover that the eye has the purpose to help us see and the stomach helps us digest food to stay alive. God even gave us taste buds so that we may have pleasure in eating to inspire us to stay alive. If anything comes along that prevents or hinders the eye from seeing or the stomach from digesting, then that would be ‘an evil’ and unhealthy. But if medicine or some sort of assistance were to come along to help the eye see or the stomach to digest, then that would be ‘a good’ and healthy. It is just as much true with our bodies as it is with our souls. God created our bodies and souls not in a general way, but with detail, reason and purpose. Continue reading “Bible: Romans #5”

Warning: Humanae Vitae Can Change Your Life!

It seems like only yesterday that I was introduced to Humanae Vitae through a class on the theology of the body, but in truth, it has been nearly 20 years.

During the summer of 1999, when I was working for the Archdiocese of Denver raising money for the inner-city Catholic schools, a young intern knocked on my door and invited me to join a theology of the body class she was offering. Even though I had never heard of Pope St. John Paul II’s “theology of the body,” she and I had the beginnings of a warm friendship, and so without hesitation, I signed up. I didn’t realize…