The Propagation of the Faith office of our diocese has invited the diocese of Kumbakonam, India, to speak to us about their missionary activities and challenges. Accordingly, Fr. David Kulandaisamy will be speaking to us during all Masses on the weekend of September 7 & 8.
This diocese, started in 1899 in the State of Tamil Nadu, India, has an area of 7824 sq. km. and a Catholic population of 213,000 (6% of the population). It is served by 212 diocesan and 63 religious priests, 580 nuns and 12 trained lay catechists. The diocese has certain concrete and meaningful goals for a New Evangelization, including:
Continue reading “Missionary Sunday”
Want to Become Catholic? Not Confirmed?
Come to our RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults) classes starting Sunday, September 8. The classes are from 12:30pm-2:00pm every Sunday in the rectory at St Joseph Church. We will be going over the basic teachings of the Catholic Church with Fr Barr and our deacons. We will learn about the Catholic understanding of the Bible, the sacraments, prayers, traditions and practices. Come and discover the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith and of the love our Lord Jesus has for you.
St Mary Church Ice Cream Social
St Mary Church will be holding an Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, July 16. We will be serving from 4:30-7:30pm in our Holy Family Community Center, 725 S. State Ave., Freeport.
The menu will be BBQ, Coney Dogs, Beef Hot Dogs, Mac & Cheese, Chips, Salad, Cake or Pie, and Ice Cream.
The cost will be $10.00 for adults (dessert included), $5.00 for children ages 5-12, and free for ages 4 and under. All proceeds will be used for St Mary’s community.
FORMED now Available for our Parishioners
FORMED is a Catholic Service that lets you view many catholic books, audios, Movies and various studies about the Catholic faith. They contain video studies about each of the sacraments, the bible and various Catholic Teachings. Now we have many movies about the saints and audios to listen to on your way to work. Can’t get to bed at night? We have many books you can read about the faith or if you just simply need a source of inspiration, FORMED has it for you.
Domingo IV de Cuaresma ciclo B 2018
Dios es amor y salva por amor. Dios padre envió a su Hijo al mundo para salvar al mundo, no para condenarlo, porque es un Dios amor. Creer en Cristo supone creer en un Dios amor, en un Dios que quiere salvar, no condenar. Naturalmente, esto no quiere decir que todos estemos salvados, independientemente de las obras que hagamos. Para que Dios pueda salvarnos, nosotros debemos creer en el Dios amor y, guiados por la luz de este Dios amor, hacer obras de amor. Es el mismo Cristo el que nos dice que, si detestamos la luz y nuestras obras son malas, Dios no podrá salvarnos, porque serán nuestras malas obras las que nos condenen. Creer en Cristo es dejarse guiar por su luz, es decir tratar de vivir como él vivió, haciendo obras buenas, obras de amor. La vida de un cristiano será verdaderamente cristiana si hace obras buenas, obras de amor. Donde no hay amor no hay cristianismo y donde hay auténtico amor hay auténtico cristianismo. Creer en Cristo no es una simple afirmación teórica, es un compromiso de vida, un propósito continuo de vivir dirigidos por la luz de Cristo, de vivir en el amor de Cristo, practicando obras de amor. Y ya sabemos que el amor de Cristo se verifica en el amor al prójimo, porque si decimos que amamos a Dios, pero no amamos al prójimo, somos unos mentirosos. Continue reading “Domingo IV de Cuaresma ciclo B 2018”
St Mary Pancake Breakfast
Thank you for your wonderful support of the amazing Blue Nuns in helping to purchase a new boiler for their convent! To continue to help, we are having a pancake breakfast on Sunday, March 4, from 9:00am – 12:30pm, at Holy Family Community Center. Menu: Pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, applesauce, and beverages Adults: $8 – Children Age 5-12: $5 – Under 4 years: Free