Mar 12, 2018
Audio and Video
Mar 12, 2018
Audio and Video
Mar 6, 2018
Audio and Video
In Chapter 13, Paul and Barnabas are told to go to on a mission (v2). How did they get this mission? How was it that God spoke to them and they knew that they had a specific mission to accomplish? They prayed. They worshiped and listened. They also fasted.
Some people may say that fasting is something done in the past; that Jesus would not want us to fast any more. But here we see at least six believers fasting. The fruit of this fasting and worship is clarity in God’s will. The fasting was a gift of self to God. Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, worship is now an act of thanksgiving for His goodness and mercy towards us. When united to worship, this fasting takes on the disposition of the worship that it accompanies. Gift giving assumes a relationship between the giver and the one receiving the gift. So the first Catholics saw themselves as having a relationship with Jesus. Continue reading “Bible: Acts of the Apostles 8”
Sing of Mary
Sing of Mary, pure and lowly, Virgin mother undefiled, Sing of God’s own Son most holy, Who became her little child. Fairest child of fairest mother, God the Lord who came to earth, Word made flesh, our very brother, Takes our nature by his birth.
Sing of Jesus, son of Mary, In the home at Nazareth. Toil and labour cannot weary Love enduring unto death. Constant was the love he gave her, Though he went forth from her side, Forth to preach, and heal, and suffer, Till on Calvary he died.
Glory be to God the Father; Glory be to God the Son; Glory be to God the Spirit; Glory to the Three in One. From the heart of blessed Mary, From all saints the song ascends, And the Church the strain reechoes Unto earth’s remotest ends.