Symbolism in the Church #25

On the high altar we have throughout the year the statues of the angels on one knee on each side of the tabernacle. From time to time we will put out angel stands for plants, candles, or other things to set on. These statues should remind us of God’s army, ready to help us. But this army is different than any human army. I do not think we really appreciate the graces we get from these heavenly creatures. I was recently telling some people about the history of these creatures of God. Many people came to me afterwards to tell me they never heard about that. So here is the long story short. Continue reading “Symbolism in the Church #25”

Domingo XXII tiempo ordinario ciclo C 2019

1.- Sólo los humildes fueron capaces de reconocer y de ver al Salvador. Los engreídos levantaron tan gigantescos muros de preceptos y de prejuicios delante de sí mismos que se quedaron petrificados en su propia arrogancia. Fueron incapaces de sentarse a compartir el festín por pensar que eran los primeros en todo y que no había nada que se les escapara a su entendimiento. Tan en primera línea pretendieron estar que, otros desde más atrás, contemplaron, gustaron y presenciaron la novedad que les traía Jesús con mayor nitidez y acogida. Continue reading “Domingo XXII tiempo ordinario ciclo C 2019”

Meals on Wheels

Coordinator Needed!!
Our churches help provide a service that addresses a critical need in our community by being a part of Meals on Wheels. In order for us to continue being a part of this service, we need a Coordinator to contact the delivery teams and schedule the deliveries four times a year. We have a future delivery date coming up the first week in December. Prayerfully consider being a part of this important ministry – contact the Parish office today!

Want to Become Catholic? Not Confirmed?

Come to our RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults) classes starting Sunday, September 8. The classes are from 12:30pm-2:00pm every Sunday in the rectory at St Joseph Church. We will be going over the basic teachings of the Catholic Church with Fr Barr and our deacons. We will learn about the Catholic understanding of the Bible, the sacraments, prayers, traditions and practices. Come and discover the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith and of the love our Lord Jesus has for you.

August Food Truck

Thirty volunteers assisted in unloading fresh vegetables, meat, cereal, mac and cheese, and other assorted groceries from the Northern Illinois Mobile Food Pantry on August 14. These free groceries fed 217 adults and 177 children. Many thanks to Father Barr, Jan Ackerman, Kim Alber, Paul Brown, Candy Daacon, Heather, Grace and Clare Dailey, Don Davis, Steve, Peg and Kate Ehlbeck, Ruth Geary, Joe Ginger, John Guenther, Karen Hildebrandt, Mike Kavran, Charles Koppi, Jan Krieger, Betty McKenna, Laverne Mensen, Jean Mertz, Laura Mills, Darrell and Marianne Overturf, Ann Sauer, Frank and Sandra Steiner, Pat Weigel, and Millie Whitford.
Our next Food Truck will be Friday, October 11, from 10:00am to 12:00 noon. Please watch the bulletin for further information. Thank you to all who have given so generously of your time to help families who are struggling. God Bless You. — Mary Koppi

Symbolism in the Church #24

In the back of the church by the bathroom is a small section dedicated to education and entertainment. We have many books, pamphlets and CDs. The materials are here to help anyone to grow in their relationship with Jesus. As Christians, it is important that we grow in unity with Jesus in our minds and hearts. The primary means to do that is filling our minds with what He teaches us in Sacred Scripture, tradition and the magisterium. As shaky as our times are, we can still rely on the Church’s teaching. How good it is to know we can rely on God and not have to figure things out ourselves. Continue reading “Symbolism in the Church #24”