IHM Sisters and the MRC Family wish to express their sincere gratitude to Father Barr and our beloved St Joseph-St Mary Parishes for all the support we received for our Mission. The Spaghetti Dinner was a huge success thanks to all of you. The desserts, and turning out in your numbers despite the biting cold, meant so much to us. We served about 475 dinners and netted over $1,000.00 in donations. Thank you for always being there for us. May the good Lord reward you abundantly. — Sister Theo
The Knights of Columbus Helping the Madonna Renewal Center
Knights of Columbus Madonna House Pork Chop dinner Saturday, October 6th, from 5-7
The Freeport and Shannon Knights of Columbus councils will be holding a Pork Chop dinner benefitting the Madonna House @ St. Thomas in Freeport from 5-7 Saturday, October 6th. Served will be boneless Porkchop; Mashed Potato; Corn; salad; desert and drink. Cost is $10 for one chop; $12 for two chops. Tickets sold at the door. For information contact Tom Willison at 815-275-7111 or Phil Hoppenjan @ 847-340-1891.
Madonna Renewal Center Saturday Work Day
We have set aside one more work day for this month — Saturday, April 28 (8:00am to 4:00pm) or choose your own day! Feel free to bring your teenage children — all types of age-appropriate work need to be completed!
You may also donate work items (work gloves, pliers, paint brushes, mops/buckets, brooms, sandpapers, hammers, and so on). Let us know on time — to prepare for you! God bless you. — Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
2018 MRC Special Year: Volunteers Needed
WE ARE EXCITED! JUNE 2018 is our year of blessings: A child will have a chance. The woman will feel Loved and Supported. Freeport will open doors to suffering women. We will bond in love as we serve. Thank you for standing by us. Your love and sacrifices achieved so much. However, there are still pieces of work to be completed: cleaning, dusting, painting and so on. Come and help. Take a tour of the building and see how you can help. We set aside three work Saturdays – March 24, April 7 and 28 (8:00am to 4:00pm) or choose your own day! We pray for many volunteers to reach our goal. Give a baby a chance with skilled or unskilled hours. Bring your teenage children. All types of age-appropriate work are needed! Continue reading “2018 MRC Special Year: Volunteers Needed”
The Feast Of Our Lady Of Guadalupe
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnTUm-gv7uQ?rel=0]