Lenten Lecture Series

John McGrath will be speaking at the Holy Family Community Center on Sundays; Febrary 26th, March 5th and 12th. The talks will begin at 1:30pm.

The subjects that he will inspire us with are:

Febrary 26th- Living the Life of Greater Righteousness

March 5th- The Cost of Discipleship

March 12th- What Christ Ask sof a Christian Community

Family of Martyrs to be Beatified

By Courtney Mares

Rome Newsroom, Feb 15, 2023 / 04:00 am

The beatification date has been announced for Józef and Wiktoria Ulma and their seven children, who were killed by the Nazis for hiding a Jewish family in their home in Poland.

The Archdiocese of Przemyska announced Tuesday that the entire Ulma family — including one unborn child — will be beatified on Sept. 10.

Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, the prefect of the Vatican Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, will preside over the beatification ceremony in Markowa, the village in southeast Poland where the Ulma family was executed in…


Into the Breach

Parish men, please join the Knights of Columbus at their “Into the Breach” event being held on two dates; Saturdays, February 4th at St Rita’s in Rockford and February 11th at Holy Cross Church in Stockton both from 9am to noon. Learn more how you can find strength in your faith to be better fathers, husbands, and Catholic men. Wives and significant others are encouraged to attend.

Join us as we watch and sicuss “Into the Breach”. Through small group discussions, we’ll learnhow to be stronger fathers, better hubands and men fit fot the breach.

For more information, contact Tom Willison at tomwillison3gmail,com or 1-815-275-7111

kofc.org/breach or the QR code gives more info.