All Saints Day & All Souls Day Masses

All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation, Friday November 1st.

Mass times:

· 8am at St. Joseph

· 5:30pm at St. Mary

We will offer vigil lights for All Souls day, Saturday November 2nd.

Mass times:

 · 8am at St. Mary

· 4:00pm at St. Joseph

· TBA (en español)

Every year we offer vigil candles in memory of our departed loved ones. Each candle will be $5 a piece.

Order forms will be available as inserts, to pick up from the back of church, the office or the St. Joseph Breezeway

(or print below).

Please return forms directly to the parish office, or drop them off with collection at Masses marked with “All Souls Candles” or “Candle Order Form”

May their spirits rest in peace, and be filled with joy for their friends and families.

Bible Study – Angels in the Bible

Join us for the upcoming Bible Study, focusing on angels in the bible. Many of you have expressed interest in exploring this topic at our last Bible study, and Cynthia Saar is putting together a series to make those dreams come true!

Bible Study: Angels in the Bible

Dates: Six Sunday Sessions beginning September 22, 29, October 6, 13, 20 & 27

From: 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm (90 min.)

Location: Holy Family Community Center

Questions & Registration at the Parish Office (815) 232-8271

Book Price: $10

Sign up will be available after Masses on Sept 14th and 15th

“The Bible is full of passages about angels who are sent to accomplish God’s will. Angels speak for God, direct the course of nations, and protect God’s people. They worship God and deliver God’s judgment. In Angels in the Bible, Fr. George Smiga examines some of the Bible’s most fascinating passages about angels, exploring their ministry on God’s behalf and drawing insights for our own spiritual lives. Because angels are mediators of God’s presence and action, studying angels is studying God. Commentary, study and reflection questions, prayers, and access to online lectures are included.”

If interested, please contact and register with the Parish Office (815) 232-8271.

FYI: It’s best the first lesson be read before class begins on September 22.

“George M. Smiga, STD, is a nationally known author and lecturer in Scripture and homiletics. A priest of the Diocese of Cleveland, Smiga serves on the faculty of Saint Mary Seminary and Graduate School of Theology. He received his doctorate in biblical theology from the Gregorian University in Rome in 1985 and is the author of Pain and Polemic: Anti-Judaism in the Gospels and The Gospel of John Set Free: Preaching without Anti-Judaism. Smiga writes a monthly column for Living with Christ and contributes regularly to Give Us This Day. His website is

Rosay for Suicide Awareness


Suicide Prevention Month

September marks National Suicide Prevention Month – a month to remember the lives lost to suicide, the millions of people who have struggled with suicidal ideation, and acknowledge the individuals, families, and communities that have been impacted. It is also a time to raise awareness about suicide prevention and share messages of hope.

Help us reduce the risk for suicide in our community by offering prayerful support, love, and acceptance to all of those in great suffering.

St. Joseph and St. Mary parishes will be participating in the first week of September as

“National Suicide Prevention Week”

We will be praying a Rosary together on Wednesday, September 4th after regular Mass at St. Joseph. We will start at 6:00pm. We hope you will be there to join us!

Join the Choir!


Come, Help Us

“Sing Praise to the Lord!”

Please help us improve our Holy Choir by adding more voices.

You are invited to join our group of cantors at any of the weekend Masses. There is no audition to join, and schedules are flexible. To help everyone feel comfortable and familiar with the music we will be practicing once a month on the LAST Thursday of each month at St. Joseph Church.

Enter the church through the breezeway door.

with any questions, comments or concerns.

Looking forward to singing with you!

Summer Discernment Retreats 2024

God is calling. In the busyness of life, it’s important for us to slow down and listen to His voice.

This summer, our Vocation’s Office is hosting two discernment days for young men who are open to the Lord’s invitation to go deeper. These days are an opportunity for fun, time with priests and seminarians, and prayer with the sacraments.

These one-day retreats will be offered at St. Bridget’s in Loves Park on Thursday, July 18th and at Holy Cross in Batavia on Saturday, July 20th.

You can find more info in today’s bulletin or register at

MRC Ice Cream Social 2024


Sunday July 14th, from 1 – 4pm

The Madonna Renewal Center will be hosting the 3rd annual

Ice Cream Social

Sunday July 14th, from 1 – 4pm

Ticket sales before and after Masses. Tickets are $10 each.

We will have Union Dairy ice cream, delicious pies and cakes, lemonade and water to drink and entertainment by Ukulele Express from 2-3:30pm.

All proceeds benefit the hard work that the Blue Nuns and our volunteers do at the Madonna Renewal Center every day.

Thanks to your support, we are able to assist mothers in need and help them have the confidence and care enough to choose LIFE.

Thank you!

Corpus Christ Procession 2024

June 2nd, 2024

After 10:30am Mass at St. Joseph

The feast day of Corpus Christi will be on Sunday, June 2nd, after the morning Mass at St Joseph ChurchWe will make a joyful and prayerful procession to St. Mary Church.  We invite all people to come and join us at 11:15am in making a public witness of our faith in Jesus Christ.  The celebration will conclude with a consecration to the Eucharist and ice cream.  Spanish Mass at St. Mary will follow. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will be available throughout the afternoon in our new Holy Family Center chapel.

La fiesta del Corpus Christi comenzará el domingo 2 de junio después de la misa de 10:30 en la iglesia de San José. Haremos una procesión alegre y en oración a la Iglesia de Santa María. Invitamos a todas las personas a venir y unirse a nosotros a las 11:15 am para dar un testimonio público de nuestra fe en Jesucristo. La celebración concluirá con una consagración a la Eucaristía y un helado. A continuación, se celebrará una misa en español en Santa María. La adoración del Santísimo Sacramento estará disponible durante toda la tarde en nuestra nueva capilla del Centro de la Sagrada Familia.

Blue Mass 2024

Join us on June 12th

5:30pm at St. Joseph church

Brought to you by the Knights of Columbus

If you know any vetrtans or first responders, please invite them to the Mass to be appreciated for their hard work and detication.

Pro-Life Weekly

Join our Pro-Life Committee in a 9 month long perspective of Jesus’s growth in His mother’s womb. This is a good opportunity to learn more about the life cycle of a newborn fetus from the time of creation until the moment of birth. We hope that experiencing this journey will help us understand the truc sanctity of human life, and the humanity of the baby that deserves respect and love above all else.. Every week our bulletins will have a new piece showing he part of the cycle where Jesus would be leading up to His bith on Christmas Eve.

Read along with us each week, offer up prayers for each month, and share with those who might need the support through child birth and early considerations of terminating a pregnancy.

Help us support Love and Life!

Thank you!


The Annunciation – Monday March 25th, 2024

“Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with thee…” With her acceptance of God’s will, Mary’s body prepares to carry Jesus in her womb.

During this first month of pregnancy, the baby’s heart is beating, and by the 20th day, the brain, spinal cord and nervous system are developed. He has arms, legs, eyes, ears, kidneys, a liver, a mouth and an umbilical cord. A placenta forms as a barrier to keep his mother’s blood separate, while allowing nourishment and oxygen to pass through.

Week 1 – Sunday March 31, 2024

Jesus – “Because of God’s divine creativity, I am here! I have only begun with two tiny little cells that came together but I am already wonderfully designed in God’s image. By the end of this week, I will make up only 100 cells. Yet, everything that I need to grow is right here in my mother’s womb.

Week 2 – Sunday April 7, 2024

Jesus – This week I have grown to over 150 cells that are divided into 3 layers. Each of those layers is important in God’s design. The innermost layer will become my lungs and stomach; the middle layer will be busy growing into my bones, cartilage, heart, muscles and internal organs! The outermost layer will grow to become my brain, nervous system and skin. Right now, I am floating freely inside the safe protection of my mother’s womb.

Week 3 – Sunday April 14, 2024

Jesus – I’ve already been working hard to grow and get strong for two whole weeks! This week I will make my home in the wall of my mother’s womb. My brain and my spine have already started to develop and the placenta, which will keep me protected and well-nourished for the next 37 weeks, has started to form. I hope that my parents are going to be as excited to see me as I will be to see them! Until then, I have a lot of growing to do.

Week 4 – Sunday April 21, 2024

Jesus – Here I am! I am the size of a poppy seed! I have been here for a whole month now. I am growing much larger and stronger but still have a lot more growing to do. By the end of this week, I will have tiny buds that will grow into my arms and legs.


Week 5 – Sunday April 28, 2025

Surely by now Mary has told her parents, Joachim and Anne, of her pregnancy. What must they think? How will they tell Mary’s betrothed, Joseph the Carpenter? The law would have Mary stoned for adultery. They must trust in God.

Jesus – “This has been a busy week! I am the size of a sesame seed! The base of my brain, my bone marrow and my nervous system are all in place. Did you know that I am developing brain cells at the rate of 250,000 per minute?! My eyes, ears and mouth are starting to form. Even though my heart is not inside my chest cavity yet, it has already started to beat. I can feel my mommy’s heartbeat too, as it steadily beats out, love you… love you… love you. ‟”

Week 6 – May 5, 2024

Jesus – It is six weeks since my life began. I am the size of a lentil bean. My head is taking shape and my digestive tract is in formation. This week the umbilical cord that is a lifeline from mommy to me is in place and my heart is beating at 138 beats per minute. I am so excited to be here!

Week 7 – Sunday May 12, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a blueberry. “I can move! My muscles and nerves are now functioning, and I have reflexes and can move spontaneously. Even my tiny fingers are starting to form. My lungs are starting their slow development and my heart is now inside my thoracic cavity. It beats strongly as I wiggle and move inside my mother. She can’t feel my movements yet, but soon she will. My abdomen is fully formed, and my mouth can almost open. I wish I could just yell out to my parents; I can’t wait to meet you— Thank you for keeping me safe! ‟

Week 8 – Sunday May 19, 2024

Jesus – I’m a person, a tiny little person the size of a kidney bean! If you could see what I look like, you’d say the same thing. My bones are starting to replace some of the cartilage that has developed, which is good since I will need strong bones to run and jump and play. My face and jaw have formed, too. All my vital organs are in place, they just need more time to grow and develop. Won’t mommy and daddy be surprised to see just what I look like?


Week 9 – Sunday May 26, 2024

Faith-filled Joseph, believing the revelation that he is to be the protector of the Messiah, bravely stands by Mary’s side, offering his strength and sense of mission as her body begins to accommodate her child.

Jesus- I am the size of a grape! “This is the week for fingers and toes. Mine is developing really fast this week. I can’t wait to have someone count them and tell me about the “Little Piggy that went to Market”. I have opened my mouth wide for the first time. Someday, I will smile and melt my parents’ heart. Right now, my heart beats quickly at 150 beats per minute. Isn’t God wonderful!

Week 10 – Sunday June 2, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a fig!
I am tumbling around inside my mother and have noticed that there are more changes this week. I can now swallow fluid and even urinate. This is all just practice for my birthday. My internal organs are formed and most of them function fully. They just need more time to grow. I’m starting to think about what my life will be like when I am born. For now, I am busy growing and resting and thanking God for the gift of life.

Weel 11 – Sunday June 9, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a fig!
I am tumbling around inside my mother and have noticed that there are more changes this week. I can now swallow fluid and even urinate. This is all just practice for my birthday. My internal organs are formed and most of them function fully. They just need more time to grow. I’m starting to think about what my life will be like when I am born. For now, I am busy growing and resting and thanking God for the gift of life.

Week 12 – Sunday June 16, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a lime.
“If only they could see me now! My brain and my muscles are working together, and, with my reflexes, I can flex and bend my limbs and even twist my wrists. My face scrunches up and then it relaxes as everything learns how to work together. I am just a tiny baby, but I am so much like you. I need to spend a lot of my time sleeping so that my body can continue to grow.

Week 13 – Sunday June 23, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a pea-pod. “This week, my neck is more developed, and I can turn my head from right to left. What an interesting new sensation. My lungs are making progress too. I can take tiny little breaths which over time will prepare my lungs for taking in deep breaths of air once I am born. I will use my lungs to sing praises to God for making me in His image.


Week 14 – Sunday June 30, 2024

Mary now takes her place in village society as a married woman and expectant mother. Family and friends gather materials to wave the swaddling garment s in which her child is to be clothed. At four months, Jesus’ organs are functioning, and his heart is pumping 6 ½ gallons of blood each day. Approximately 6 inches in length, fine hair covers his body, eyelashes and brows are showing as well as unique fingerprints which will remain the same all his life. He is comforted by listening to his mother’s heartbeat.

Jesus – I am the size of a lemon! “You may not believe this, but I am already into my second trimester of development this week. That means that I am 1/3 of the way to birth. Most of what I’ll be doing this trimester is growing. That’s an important job. This week alone, I will DOUBLE in size! By week’s end I will be about as long as a paper napkin. Amazing, huh? The even better news is that by the end of this week, there is much less risk that my mommy and daddy will lose me to miscarriage. I am looking forward to LIFE!

Week 15 – Sunday July 7, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of an apple. “This is another week of miracles. I am able to hear my mother’s voice for the first time! All the fluid that surrounds me helps to carry the sound of her voice, her heartbeat and even her stomach, to me. I can hear some things outside the womb— like Daddy’s voice, too! My brain is not yet mature enough to interpret it all, but it sure is interesting. I am growing some hair and eyebrows and even growing tiny little hairs called „lanugo‟ all over my body that helps me to maintain my body temperature. Don’t worry; by the time I am born, most of that hair will have disappeared!

Week 16 – Sunday July 14, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of an avocado!“Today was a wild ride. I got the hiccups for the first time! I spun around inside my mother. I’m sure she felt me in here, because I heard her start to giggle. What a silly day I’ve had. I’ve learned the reflex of suction, which means that when I am born, I’ll be ready to eat. I hope I get something sweet, because I have taste buds now. Another thing that is new is that I can tell when there is bright light outside. Sometimes I use my hands to shield my eyes from the light. I thank God that I am here and growing so healthy and strong.

Week 17 – Sunday July 21, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a turnip. My skin is still transparent; there is a new kind of sealant that is coating it called “vernix‟. This protects my skin for the next 23 weeks. I can do somersaults!


Week 18 – July 28, 2024

It is now apparent, even in the shapeless fashions of her time, that Mary is with a child. Little can she imagine an innkeeper in Bethlehem who will in the future offer her all that he can in hospitality? At five months there is no mistaking Jesus’ presence. Mothers feel the baby’s reaction when startled by outside noises or even a subtle hiccup. The baby now tastes what he drinks. Sweet is fine; sour, uh-uh! The baby is now 10 inches long and weighs more than a half-pound.Jesus – I am the size of a bell pepper. “I heard a loud noise outside my mother’s womb this week and jumped and even covered my ears to muffle the scary sound. Sometimes I just bump and kick just for fun. I need to get my muscles working and I get to tease my mommy at the same time…what fun! Whenever I make a ruckus, I always hear mommy gathering more people around her to see what I am up to. I can’t wait to see everyone.

Week 19 – August 4, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a large tomato.
“I sleep about 20 hours a day now. Growing is very hard work! I try to make sure that I wake up and kick around when it is very dark and quiet in here. I get the impression that I get mommy’s full attention that way. I found some strange things in my mouth today. I think they are teeth. They’re underneath my gums. That was a good idea for God to put them there. I won’t need them yet, but one day I will. I can’t wait to have my first cookie!

Week 20 – August 11, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a Banana
“This is the halfway point! I can’t believe that I am going to be born in only 20 more weeks!. My muscles are getting stronger every day. I can do all sorts of acrobatic moves here. You should see me! Isn’t it amazing to know that there has never been anyone like me before and there never will be another “me‟ again. I am God’s miracle.”

Week 21 – August 18, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a carrot. “I’ve been sleeping and dreaming about my family. While I was asleep, more of the vernix‟ (the sticky coating that covers my skin) has been busy completely covering me. That coating will keep my skin protected, but also help my body stay slick for the delivery process. That will certainly be a tough day for mommy and me, but I can’t wait for it to come! God is watching over me.”

Week 22 – August 25, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a Spaghetti Squash.
“Inside my body, I am starting to produce white blood cells this week. They are important because these cells will help my body fight off infection once I am born. My eyebrows and lashes have started to grow too. When I hear my mommy’s voice, sometimes I get excited and punch and kick. Other times, though, her voice soothes me to sleep. I can’t wait to see my parents‟ faces. I wonder if they look like me.


Week 23 – September 1, 2024

Mary now feels the quickening of the Child Jesus that proclaims his presence within her womb. She sings to him and feels his response.
The baby’s eyes, closed since the seventh week, are now open to its surroundings. The infant is now 12 inches long and weighs 1 ½ pounds. This baby could survive birth.

Jesus – I am the size of a large mango. “This week, there are little lines starting to form on my hands and fingers. These will eventually be my fingerprints. I knew it! I am completely unique! There is no one else like me in the whole world and there never will be. That is so awesome to imagine, but it’s true. God has a special plan just for me and I can’t wait to see what it is.

Week 24 – September 8, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of an ear of corn.
“My auditory functions are done developing and my inner ear has grown to its full size. That means that when people talk, I can hear them completely. I enjoy the sounds of my parents‟ voices and even the sounds of music and rain. It’s wonderful to know that hearing is just one of the many precious gifts that God will give me throughout my lifetime.

Week 25 – Sunday, September 15, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of an ear of corn.
“My auditory functions are done developing and my inner ear has grown to its full size. That means that when people talk, I can hear them completely. I enjoy the sounds of my parents‟ voices and even the sounds of music and rain. It’s wonderful to know that hearing is just one of the many precious gifts that God will give me throughout my lifetime.

Week 26 – Sunday, September 22, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a bunch of scallions.“It is remarkable to think about all the things that my body has done in the last 26 weeks. I am 2/3 of the way through my life here and about to start the final trimester in the womb. It is so exciting to think of what waits for me in the world outside. My brain is so developed that I have started to dream about what God has planned for me. For now, I can only imagine…

Week 27 – Sunday, September 29, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a head of cauliflower.
“they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Well, my soul has been around since God created me 27 weeks ago, but my eyes are finally nearly finished developing. The membrane that was covering my eyes has split and now I can see. My eyes are blue now, but after I am born, they may change to another color within a few weeks. They will be whatever color God has already decided they will be. God’s plan is full of miracles.


Week 28 – Sunday October 6, 2024

Mary and Joseph knew in advance that their baby would be a boy. And although Jesus was not his biological child, Joseph eagerly anticipated his birth. By the seventh month, the baby’s hands grip strongly. His eyelids open and close as he surveys his increasingly cramped surroundings. The baby is now 15 inches long and weighs 2-3 pounds. The infant Jesus listens intently for his mother’s recognizable voice. A child of seven months would survive birth.

Jesus – I am the size of a large egg plant. “There is a rhythm to my breathing now as my lungs get closer and closer to maturity. I am practicing my breathing in the womb so that when the time for my delivery arrives, I’ll be ready. I’ll bet my parents can’t wait to hear my first cries. Before you know it, those cries will turn into words. I can’t wait to learn all sorts of new things from my parents. They can tell me the story of how I came to be, and I will tell them all that I remember about God.

Week 29 – Sunday October 13, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a cabbage
“It sure is getting crowded in here! My body has grown so large that I am curled up tightly and still have very little room to move. Sometimes I yawn and stretch, and I push my hands and feet into the inside wall of the womb. I’ll bet it looks funny from the outside! Soon, I will need to turn myself over and stand on my head in order to leave my mother’s womb. My birthday is just around the corner!

Week 30 – Sunday October 20, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a cabbage
“It sure is getting crowded in here! My body has grown so large that I am curled up tightly and still have very little room to move. Sometimes I yawn and stretch, and I push my hands and feet into the inside wall of the womb. I’ll bet it looks funny from the outside! Soon, I will need to turn myself over and stand on my head in order to leave my mother’s womb. My birthday is just around the corner!

Week 31 – October 27, 2024

Jesus I am the size of a coconut.
“I finally made my move this week and turned my body over. It was tough, but I did it! It is important that I am upside down now so that when the time comes for me to make my entrance into the world, I’ll be ready to go. My lungs have started to secrete a liquid that will help my lungs fully expand when I take my first breath of air. I can’t WAIT for my birthday.


Week 32 – Sunday November 3, 2024

Mary’s pregnancy is nearing its completion. The crib and baby clothing are ready. But the best laid plans are sometimes turned upside down. The village is abuzz with the news that those of the House of David will be called shortly to Bethlehem to be counted among this princely dynasty. In Mary’s eight month, the Infant Jesus’ skin begins to thicken, and layers of fat are stored underneath for insulation and nourishment. Antibodies are building up. Jesus’ quarters are getting cramped; chin on chest, his knees, arms and legs are bent.

Jesus – I am the size of a large jicama. “There are so many things happening to me this week! My brain is growing quickly and I am thinking all sorts of new things. It is taking huge amounts of calcium for my bones to harden and I am continuing to gain more weight. I am even starting to look a little chubby. I’ll bet my parents will just love to squeeze my pudgy cheeks. I am healthy and beautiful and thanks to God, I am wonderfully made.”

Week 33 – Sunday November 10, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a pineapple.
“Mommy and I are getting near the end of the time that we are joined together through the umbilical cord. Even though she is keeping me safe and nourishing my body, I am still separated from her. I am my own unique person. I have my own blood which is separate from hers. (We might not even be blood-type compatible!) Soon enough, I will emerge from my home here in the womb and think and feel and laugh and love.

Week 34 – Sunday November 17, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a pineapple.
“Mommy and I are getting near the end of the time that we are joined together through the umbilical cord. Even though she is keeping me safe and nourishing my body, I am still separated from her. I am my own unique person. I have my own blood which is separate from hers. (We might not even be blood-type compatible!) Soon enough, I will emerge from my home here in the womb and think and feel and laugh and love.

Week 35 – Sunday November 24, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a honeydew melon.
It seems that I just keep getting chubbier as the days go by. I need to store up a layer of fat underneath my skin in order to help my body regulate its temperature once I leave my mother’s womb. I am cute and round just like a cherub. I’ll bet once I’m born everyone will say that I look like an angel. I must admit I am adorable! Some of the tiny hairs that have covered my body are starting to disappear. I guess by the time I leave this place I will have a beautifully soft birthday suit‟! I can’t wait to show it off!


Week 36 – Sunday December 1, 2024

Bolstered by provisions and buoyed upon a cushion of carpets, Mary perches upon their patient donkey as she and Joseph start their journey. The trip to Bethlehem should take four days, but Mary’s pregnancy forces them to travel slowly. Do they perhaps fall behind their fellow travelers? Soon they will be entrusted with the life of God made man. How must they reflect on this awesome responsibility as they journey toward their destiny?

Jesus – I am the size of a head of Romaine Lettuce. “We are in the home stretch now. (pun intended! ☺ ) These are the last few weeks of my time in the womb, and it seems that my parents have just about everything done in preparation for my arrival. Every part of my body is fully formed and ready to go except for my lungs. They still need a couple more weeks before they function perfectly. If I were to be born now, though, I would just need to spend a couple of extra days in the hospital before going home with my parents. It looks as though I will just be here for a short while longer…

Week 37 – Sunday December 8, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a bunch of Swiss chard.
“Um, it’s getting a little crowded in here. I think it’s about time I get out, don’t you think? I am just getting chubbier every day, which means there is less and less room for me to move around. My fingernails and toenails have grown to the ends of my fingers and everything else here is about the same. My mommy seems to be spending a lot of time resting now. I think she’s ready for my arrival, too. I wonder when the BIG DAY will arrive!

Week 38 – Sunday December 15, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a leek. “I am ready to enter the world. All my reflexes are working together. I can move my hands and head and can even tell the difference between light and dark. My brain continues to develop and I recognize sounds and voices. I am running out of things to do here. My development inside the womb is completed. My lungs are ready for their first breath of air. Now, all I need to do is wait until God decides it’s time for my emergence into the world. It will be a life-changing day for me and my family.

Week 39 – Sunday December 22, 2024

Jesus – I am the size of a mini watermelon. “Oh my, I hope this is the last week! I am here upside down and this week, something strange happened. My little body dropped down and my head is resting firmly against my mother’s pelvis. It’s uncomfortable and I’m guessing from what I can hear that she’s not very comfortable either! I think that was the last thing that needed to happen before my birthday. It is going to happen any time now. Thank you, God, for the blessing of this life you have given to me. My life is a miracle.”

Week 40 – Wednesday, December 25, 20224

Jesus – I am the size of a small pumpkin.
Wow! What an amazing journey!
I have left the safety and comfort of my mother’s womb and am here in the arms of my mommy and daddy because of God’s divine plan! He has blessed me in so many wonderful ways and I am in awe of His goodness! Because of God, I will continue to grow and become the person that God wants me to be. It’s so awesome to finally be here!

Blue Nun Fun Run!

Join our Sisters of the Madonna Renewal Center this May for the annual Blue Nun Fun Run!

Join us for the 2024 Blue Nun Fun Run this May 11th! Race in a 5k or a 1-mile run/walk/trail run. Registration opens at 9 am, race starts at 10 am.

All proceeds benefit mothers at the Madonna Renewal Center in Freeport, Illinois.

Register or sign up as a sponsor here;

Fill out the form, or take part in the race. Interested in becomming a volunteer or supporting our blue nuns in the important work they do?

Contact the MRC today

or (815) 616-9672