Counting our Blessings at St Mary’s and Doing Our Part

The Good Lord blessed Dolores Shaughnessy and her brother, Father Richter. Father Richter served his retirement here, particularly in St Mary Church. He celebrated the sacraments with reverence and compassion, giving so many people in this community hope and the peace of our Lord Jesus. Continue reading “Counting our Blessings at St Mary’s and Doing Our Part”

Paul Koleske Concert and Reflection

Igniting the Light of Christ within You!

Concert & Reflection by Paul Koleske in St. Joseph Catholic Church on Sunday, January 12Paul Koleskeat 3:00 pm.

Let the Holy Spirit minister to you during this moving event with Paul Koleske – Catholic speaker – singer – songwriter –  recording artist.

Paul’s music and message offers an exceptional listening  experience that speaks to the mind, touches the heart, and enlivens the spirit!

This is no ordinary event … you will feel as though you are on a retreat.

Paul will be sharing his Inspired Music at all Masses on January 11th and 12th.

Doors open at 2:30 pm. Enjoy some quiet time in church before the Reflection!

Feel free to bring Family & Friends.





Aryl Dailey Free Community Lunch

SVDP roundOur sincere thank you to all who gave  of their time on a busy Holiday weekend to prepare, serve and deliver 139 meals on Saturday, December 21. We also wish to thank all who donated fruit, desserts and warm clothing. Your generosity made the Christmas season just a little happier for many of our neighbors.

Our next Free Community Lunch will be Saturday, January 18th.   We will be serving Sloppy Joe sandwiches,chips, cold slaw, fruit and dessert.  We will also collect deodorant for men and women, shampoo and chap stick.  If you can provide any of these items or fresh fruit or cookies, you may bring them to Berg Hall after 9:00am that morning or contact Mary Koppi at 815-232-4687.
                                           – Society of St Vincent de Paul


Jan 10, 2020

Audio and Video

Imagine a society where the Ten Commandments did not exist. Where it was ok to steal, lie, murder, rape. A society where the reality is always, might makes right, if you just did it, you just got by with it. Thank God that He showed us the way to have a just society. A society where individuals love each other and care for each other. He reavealed Himself to all the nations. Thank God for our faith!

Symbolism in the Church #38

s1290029.jpgThe next round window is an image of a mother pelican feeding the baby pelicans. This image actually pre-dates Christianity. Legend has it that when there was a great famine, the mother pecked a wound on herself so that she could feed her babies. Thus, she risked her own life for that of her children. It is an image of a mother’s love, but a mother’s love comes from the God, who made all mothers. Jesus came and risked His life to save us. This risk is not in word only. Jesus joyfully was willing to do what He could to save us from peril, even if that meant He would die. Continue reading “Symbolism in the Church #38”

Domingo de la Epifanía del Señor ciclo A 2019

Epifanía significa manifestación y sugiere la idea de alumbramiento o de dar a luz: “y hemos visto su gloria, gloria propia del Hijo del Padre, lleno de gracia y de verdad”. Por consiguiente, la metáfora bíblica de esta fiesta es la luz: “la gloria del Señor que amanece sobre Jerusalén”, “la revelación del misterio escondido”, la estrella de los magos que vienen de oriente… Debemos esforzarnos para rescatar el auténtico significado de la fiesta que celebramos. Como tantas otras, y quizás más que ninguna esta fiesta, llamada vulgarmente día de Reyes ha sido mercantilizada y degradada. Continue reading “Domingo de la Epifanía del Señor ciclo A 2019”