Pro Life Corner

Baby Feet Pro-LifeSince the decriminalization of abortion by the court decision Roe v Wade, 62,500,000 babies have been destroyed in America. If we took a moment of silence for each baby lost to surgical abortion, using one minute as a “moment,” we would be silent for 118.9 years. The silence would be a deafening roar.


Roe v Wade Decision

This Wednesday is the anniversary of the fateful decision of Roe v Wade on January 22, 1973. Oddly enough, even the justices who made the decision said that it was weak. Most of the big players in the case converted to being pro-life. Norma McCorvey, “Jane Roe” of Roe v Wade, ended up a pro-life Catholic. She dedicated her life after becoming pro-life to saving the lives of babies threatened with abortion, and helping many women before an abortion to keep them from such a devastating decision, and/or after their abortion to find reconciliation. In the court case, she actually never got that abortion, but did get one later with great regrets. She wrote a book on her experiences of abortion and the industry. I had the privilege of meeting her before she died. Continue reading “Roe v Wade Decision”

Domingo II tiempo ordinario ciclo A 2020

En el segundo canto del “Siervo de Yahvé” es él mismo quien toma la palabra y define su misión: “ser luz de las naciones para que la salvación de Dios llegue hasta el confín de la tierra”. Todo hombre tiene una vocación y una misión, que nace de la llamada que recibe de Dios. Pablo descubre su vocación y su misión, Juan también es consciente de cuál es su misión y la asume. Jesús, el auténtico “siervo de Yahvé”, será presentado por Juan para llevar a cabo la misión que el Padre le encomienda: “es el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo”. Jesús carga con los pecados de sus hermanos, los hombres y se ofrece, aunque es inocente, para expiar por ellos. Él es quien restablece la relación del hombre con Dios, haciendo que el hombre y la mujer se reconozcan de nuevo como hijos suyos. Vocación y misión, ¿te has preguntado cuál es la tuya? Continue reading “Domingo II tiempo ordinario ciclo A 2020”

Thank You!

I would like to thank everyone for allowing me to share my music ministry with you this past weekend in your church. I look forward to seeing/hearing from you again in the future. For updates on future recordings, concerts and news, or to purchase CDs, go to May God bless each and every one of you beyond your fondest dreams. – Paul Koleske


Aryl Dailey Free Community Lunch

SVDP roundOur next Free Community Lunch will be Saturday, January 18. We will be serving Sloppy Joe sandwiches, chips, cold slaw, fruit and dessert. We will also collect deodorant for men and women, shampoo and chap stick. If you can provide any of these items or fresh fruit or cookies, you may bring them to Berg Hall after 9:00am that morning or contact Mary Koppi at 815-232-4687.  – Society of St Vincent de Paul


Join the Pilgrimage for Life

KC Shield The Knights of Columbus is sponsoring a Pilgrimage for Life, in honor of the January 22, 1973 Roe v Wade decision. We will be processing from St Joseph Church to the courthouse after the 10:30am Mass on Sunday, January 19. Come and pray with us as we stand in solidarity with those babies who have been aborted.


Symbolism in the Church #39

s1290035.jpgOn the left side, as you are looking at the altar there is one of the round windows closer to the choir loft that has a heart with the anchor on one side and a cross on the other side of the heart. The heart is depicted as having a fire coming from the top of it, but it is not the full image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The fire depicts God’s love for us in the heart. The anchor on the left side of the heart reminds us of Peter, our first pope, but also the anchor of God’s love for us. It brings peace, comfort and strength in faith when we know how much God was willing to do for us. His love for us is not here today and gone tomorrow. His love is steadfast. It does not depend on how He feels for the day, nor does it go away if we do the wrong thing. His love is an anchor we can depend on in holding us fast so we do not get taken away by the storms of life. Even when we do the wrong thing, He still calls us back and extends His mercy. The anchor wraps its hook around the cross on the right side of the heart. It embraces that cross of mercy for us. The heart, the anchor and the cross are one in Jesus Christ. We really can trust in Him, His mercy and His love. We just might have hope yet. Continue reading “Symbolism in the Church #39”

Domingo del Bautismo del Señor ciclo A 2020

Hoy se acaba el tiempo litúrgico de Navidad; Jesús tiene ya treinta años. Hasta ahora ha vivido una vida socialmente humilde, callada y anónima, como un judío observante y fiel a la Ley de Moisés. Ha sido circuncidado, pero no bautizado. Para los hombres judíos la circuncisión era un rito imprescindible para entrar a formar parte del pueblo de Israel,… Continue reading “Domingo del Bautismo del Señor ciclo A 2020”