Aquin’s right to life group is hosting a Life Chain on Sunday, October 6, 2019 from 1:00 until 2:00 p.m. on the corner of Stephenson Street and West Avenue in Freeport, IL . This is a time to stand and pray for Life. Come and join us!
Giving All Humans Their Dignity
Oct 5, 2019
Audio and Video
St. Philip Neri
“He who wishes for anything but Christ, does not know what he wishes; he who asks for anything but Christ, does not know what he is asking; he who works, and not for Christ, does not know what he is doing.”
Saint Francis of Assisi
Obedience, proceeding from faith, is the test of true hope, the sign of charity, the mother of humility, and of the peace of God. –
San Lorenzo de Manila
Serving Jesus
Domingo XXV tiempo ordinario ciclo C 2019
En cuestiones de dinero, casi todos tendemos a ser más o menos astutos o sagaces, aunque no todos tengamos que ser injustos como el administrador infiel. Esta parábola sobre el uso del dinero no es sólo aplicable a los ricos, sino a la mayor parte de los mortales. El amo felicitó a su administrador por la astucia con que había actuado, no por su injusticia, y Jesús coloca al administrador infiel entre los hijos de este mundo, es decir, entre los hijos de las tinieblas, frente a los hijos de la luz. Debemos examinar constante y concienzudamente nuestra actitud ante el uso que hacemos del dinero que tenemos y del que quisiéramos tener. … Continue reading “Domingo XXV tiempo ordinario ciclo C 2019”
Symbolism in the Church #27
The Easter Candle has special meaning in every Catholic Church. We use it for funerals and baptisms, but the special occasion that gives it prominence is the Easter Vigil Mass every year. This Mass is the Saturday evening Mass for Easter. The short version of this Mass is about an hour and fifteen minutes. The long version could be up to three hours. This is the Mass where all those adults who are becoming Catholic receive the sacraments. They start in September with the RCIA classes and go a couple weeks beyond Easter. Continue reading “Symbolism in the Church #27”
Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Drive
The Knights of Columbus Council #12120 St Thomas and The Knights of Columbus Council #653 St Mary and St Joseph, Freeport, Illinois, are having their annual Tootsie Roll Drive the weekend of September 20, 21 & 22, 2019. Please support this cause to help local individuals with intellectual disabilities right here in our Freeport area.
Presence St Vincent’s, Special Olympics, and Malcom Eaton Enterprises will receive your donations.
Please sign up to volunteer to work a 2-hour shift, or if you have any questions please call the event coordinator, Nils Sandstrom, at 815-233-5712, or Todd McKenna at 815-266-9909. Thank you for your support.
Saint Ignatius of Loyola
If you want to bring anything to a successful conclusion, you must accommodate yourself to the task, not the task to yourself.