Having Our Lady of Fatima Statue coming here to Freeport is such a blessing! Many graces come with this statue. But what does it mean?
First of all, we have to make it clear that this statue is not what we are worshipping, nor do we worship Mary. When you take a step back and see what the purpose of Our Lady appearing in Fatima was, we find Our Lady is offended because people are no longer worshipping Jesus or following His ways. Sacrilege was a whole way of life. Atheism, with anti-religion thought, was causing so much war, death and persecutions in society, Our Lord Jesus sent Mary to save the souls who were on the verge of Hell. When we look at this fact, we see that Mary is truly leading people to her Son Jesus. She has in her heart the heart of her Son. She illustrates for us that she is really alive – that we are not talking to the dead, but the living (Mk 12:27). Our Lady came as a warning to souls who reject Jesus or are lukewarm to Him. Continue reading “Our Lady of Fatima Coming Soon”

Virgin Motyher