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2 Corinthians 3
In the third chapter, Paul is introducing the idea of the new covenant. Paul does this by comparing the new covenant with the covenant God made through Moses.
I used to think how glorious it would be to have been there when Moses was around. Everything in his life seemed so glorious. Everything from being put into a basket and escaping death. In fact, God would have it that you would be richly provided for in your youth as preparation to save God’s people. Then when Moses comes back, the ten plagues hit and miracles abound. They cross the Red Sea on dry ground and Egypt’s army is drowned. They go into the desert, and receive the Ten Commandments. Moses is constantly interceding for the people, and the people are healed and God relents. God shows His power by acting through Moses. Whereever the Ark of the Covenant goes, the presence of God is there. God is their protector. The might of God shows its power in ways never seen before, and never has been seen after.
Yes, God is the almighty one, the all-powerful. Everything back then was an obvious act of God. The power of God was swift for those who opposed His ways. The people of God were to act similarly when they saw others offending God. The Torah, the law of Moses, that came from God, was a law that demanded death to those who offended greatly. It became a ministry of death. To see the unadulterated power of God was so overwhelming, no human could withstand simply being in the presence of God. The glory of God was too great a mystery. The covenant through Moses in its power and glory did violence to those who did not live up to the standard that God had set forth.
It was indeed a glory as Paul recognizes. Yet when Paul compares the new Covenant and its glory to the one of Moses, there is no comparison. The former glory only had the power to condemn and do violence, whereas the new Covenant in its new glory makes all things whole. It brings healing and reconciliation between us and God as well as between each other as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. This glory does not do violence, but is found in humility, peace, love, joy, wisdom and grace. The new glory is holy in a way that was not perceived before, for this holiness wills the good for all in all gentleness.
This gentleness does not require prophets to hide their face, but the love of God is made known to all who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Behold your God who comes as this little baby. The glory that God reveals in this new covenant is not something to run from, but to run to. The power of God is shown in His mercy, kindness and love.
God has the power of the almighty. He has the strong arm which nobody can resist. But the character of God is that He would prefer kindness and have patience with us that we may really know what He is really like as He really is. He chooses mercy. In His own humble way, he chooses to live in us, making us into His holy temple. He gives His very Spirit to live. It brings freedom in the soul and the veil is removed so that we may understand the ways of God and grow in wisdom and grace ourselves.
Those who want to follow God are given great power. God sends His angels to guard and protect us. As followers of God, the Jewish people are blessed indeed, but for those who become children of God by baptism, the holiness of God is revealed. The inner life and God’s love for us is a greater glory. Looking upon Him does not crush us, but gives us hope.
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of Madonna Renewal Center
Motivated by love, Madonna Renewal Center (MRC) is organized and operated exclusively for religious, charitable and educational purposes that uphold human dignity and respect life. Through lessons in virtue and prudence in accordance with Catholic Social teachings and the Charism of IHM Sisters, we empower pregnant women, who struggle with the challenges of unprepared motherhood.
A Thanksgiving Message from Bishop Malloy
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COVID Hitting Our Church Community
Nobody would have imagined the impact COVID 19 would have on society. Wearing a mask nearly all the time has become the mandate. Hardly then, can you see a smile from those who believe. Kids scarcely see their grandparents and hugs are missed. So many people suffer from depression. Fear and anxiety overcome so many people and they forget the love of God. Many have lost loved ones either to the virus or simply to other factors. This can add to feeling alone and in despair. Today more than ever, we all need to hear and experience the love of God. Yet the devil is doing everything he can to keep us from the love of God (Rm 8:38-39). I have just started calling all the homes to see how everybody is doing. Earlier this year we sent postcards, but it is good to hear a voice. Computers are fine, but it cannot replace the human interaction we need. Please pray for those in the community that may feel alone or depressed. I encourage you to call each other. God gave you to each other as a support network for each other. This is all part of God’s work to love one another.
I hope to get the live streaming up and running soon for both parishes so that those who are vulnerable can still be served. I hope this investment for souls will be worth investing in. Take advantage of those things we offer while you cannot be here physically. We have live streaming, Facebook and the website. We also have FORMED, with the many videos available to learn or just be entertained by, on the web and for the smart phones and tablets. The Parish App can keep you up-to-date in the community as well. I still offer confessions at the regular times, but in the garage at St Joseph. Holy Hour is now every Friday at 5pm. I hope to offer sessions on Zoom. I am working on figuring it out yet, but hope to have a couple things available for Advent.
In these difficult times, we have had to adapt to the needs of the time. If this COVID keeps going, we will have to make tough decisions while still serving God’s people in any way we can. As a parish, we must serve our parishioners, and as a people of God, we must still serve those who are less fortunate. The number of the less fortunate is growing.
At the same time, our churches need your help so we can pay our bills. I thank God for the generosity of those who have left substantial moneys to our parishes. If you can imagine, this money is getting depleted at a much higher rate. It would be very helpful for us if anyone were to give through our online giving and sign up to give to your parish on a weekly or monthly basis. The gift would be automatic so you would not have to worry about forgetting. It is a way to help us do God’s work, even when you cannot physically help us. It would also help us to adapt and provide for God’s people. God always blesses a generous heart and a joyful giver. They are truly a child of God. Please pray and ask God if there is anything more you can give to Him. He has been so good to us, and I believe he always will be there. He truly is good to us.
I look forward to seeing everyone once this time is over. As the old saying goes, “This too shall pass.” There is a light, and His name is Jesus. God bless all of you.
The All Powerful God Comes to Bring Us His Grace
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Risk for Jesus
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2 Corinthians 2
In Chapter two, Paul continues to explain himself. Paul himself is suffering because the people he loves are suffering. He had to reprimand those he loves so much and he is very “grieved “over it (1-2). When you usually think of a person whom you love, joy is what comes to the heart, but now there is sadness because of the disunity that was there from the sins of some of the Corinthians, which the first letter was written about. But now is a time to be reconciled.
Paul had a duty to correct very bad behavior that was causing suffering in the community. Given the nature of the sins (sexual) the suffering did great damage. I would imagine this behavior was leading some believers astray and even bringing great disdain and distrust. Paul deeply felt their suffering and wanted to make a clear statement of the wrongdoing. He wanted to get the attention of the wrongdoers so that they would change their ways and no longer cause the suffering in the community. Some of the perpetrators never really converted to the faith and left. They were Christian only in name. Others had fallen back into the pagan way of thinking and doing. Some evidently came back and repented of the wrongdoing.
The Corinthians, before their conversion, were prone to these sins that were accepted as normal in pagan beliefs. For us, when we go through our own conversion to Jesus, in the beginning of our conversion, we find it easy to follow God’s way. God purifies our minds and hearts so that we do not desire to things that are sinful. A person’s love for Jesus cleanses them from the tendency to sin. It is a grace that God gives them. But after a while, what we choose may weaken our will and we fall. In a certain sense, it is like the Father in heaven is carrying us around at first. We start to see things from a higher point of view. But then He sets us down on the ground and teaches us how to walk. He holds our hands and encourages us. We fall, but He picks us up and does not give up on us. He wants us to grow and mature in faith. But that means that we all have our decisions to make in life. These are decisions that nobody else can make for us. These are decisions to be with God or not. God is going in one direction, but many times we go where we want, and choose to be where God is not going. As we progress in our faith, the most important question we can ask ourselves is if I am going to go with God or my own direction? What direction have I chosen in life? The answer to this question can be the reason why we experience so much suffering, like some of those who lived in Corinth. Many times we cause our own suffering and then turn and blame God. We refuse to listen to God and His ways. Sometimes we refuse to learn from Him or allow Him to train us how to walk as a Christian and a Catholic.
Paul encourages the faithful to forgive those who repent. They are to welcome them back. Each person in the community is an important part of the body of Christ. It is not taken lightly. The reprimand of one person in the community affects the whole (v6). Mercy and kindness are to be shown to all who change their ways. This is the policy of the Catholic Church as a whole. This should be good news for all of us. How many times do we say no to God’s ways? To forgive our enemy, to give even your second tunic or to walk an extra mile with those in need. Living the life of a Christian is not easy. It means being to sacrifice daily for the good of others. Yes, it is a good thing that Jesus would establish a policy of mercy in His Church.
Paul goes on from verse 12 to explain his situation. He is called by God to serve others who are open to God’s grace. It is not Paul’s mission, it is a mission that God gave him. He must respond to this calling as much as he wants to be with them at Corinth. It is not about what he wants. He is a servant of God.
Pro Life Corner
(Presented by Stephenson Co. Right To Life)
Terminating the life of our pre-born daughters is not protecting their rights as women. We have truly failed as a society if the only way we can “help” a pregnant women in crisis is to kill her child. Work for, and/or support your local pregnancy care center.
Eucharistic Holy Hour and Healing Service
Need some time with Jesus? Need some spiritual healing? Join us every Friday for an hour of Eucharistic Adoration with a healing service at 5:00pm in St Joseph Church. Register online or use a paper form available in the breezeway.