Tickets: $10 Adult/ $5 Children Tickets available after Masses & at the door Ticket includes food, drinks, & entry ticket to win the fabulous door prize!
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church 1400 Kiwanis Dr. Freeport IL, 61032
Change For Life is our opportunity to come together as individuals and churches to help women in our community find the confidence to choose LIFE!
When you fill a baby bottle with change, you provide a woman considering abortion the chance to receive the support and medical services she needs to choose life. Because of the generosity of people like you, we saw 140 lives saved this past year! We believe that you can increase that number in 2024!
Will you partner with us in this easy way to make a life-saving impact? This year’s Change For Life campaign kicks off on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, January 21st. The campaign will wrap up on Sunday, February 18th. Our goal is to bring in $40,000! A little change from our pockets makes a BIG change in our community!
Generous individuals like you make it possible for women in our community considering abortion to find the hope of Christ and the courage they need to choose life.
Three ways you can participate . . .
1. Pick up a bottle at your church on Sunday, January 21st. Take it home, fill it with loose change (we accept bills and checks, too!), and return it to your church by February 18th. Call us at 815-232-5433 to arrange pick up and drop off of a bottle if your church doesn’t have any available for you.
3. Pray for abortion to be erased from our community. We have seen many women struggling with what to do regarding their pregnancy choose life when people like you have lifted them up in prayer. Prayer saves lives!
Below is the bulletin insert for the weekend of January 20-21st. Feel free to print or download this, and spread the news!
(Desplácese hacia abajo para ver la página en español (Continue scrolling for this page in Spanish))
Join thousands of Catholics nationwide praying for the protection of human life January 16-24. Sign up today at!
9 Days for Life Novena
9 Days for Life is a novena for the protection of human life. Each day’s intention is accompanied by a short reflection and suggested actions to help build a culture of life.
Below, you may find a printable or downloadable document to guide you through each day of prayer.
Intercession: May the tragic practice of abortion end.
Prayers: Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be
Reflection: At every stage and in every circumstance, we are held in existence by God’s love. The presence of an illness, disability, or other challenging situation never diminishes the value of a human life. God does not call us to perfection of appearance or abilities, but to perfection in love. Christ invites us to embrace our own lives and the lives of others as true gifts.
Abortion tragically rejects the truth that every life is a good and perfect gift, deserving protection. This violent practice ends the life of a human being at its very beginning and horribly wounds all those involved. But Christ came that we “might have life and have it more abundantly” (John 10:10), taking on human flesh for the sake of our redemption. May our culture experience the power of God’s transforming love, that all eyes may be opened to the incredible beauty of every human life.
Acts of Reparation (Choose one.)
Take a break from television and movies today. Consider spending some of that time praying with today’s reflection.
Pray the short prayer “Every Life is Worth Living,” reflecting on the gift of human life. (The prayer is also available to order or download at
Offer some other sacrifice, prayer, or act of penance that you feel called to do for today’s intention.
One Step Further: Abortion is frequently a topic in the news, political debates, and everyday conversations with family or friends. Because abortion can be a controversial and emotional issue in any arena, many of us may feel intimidated when the topic arises, not knowing what to say. “Another Look at Abortion” provides a basic overview and summarizes key points. This article will help you be better prepared to witness to the sanctity of human life:
For more information and resources on the Pro-Life Novena, and more, visit
Únete a los católicos de todo el país para rezar por la protección de la vida humana del 16 al 24 de enero. ¡Inscríbete hoy en!
Novena 9 Días por la Vida
Esta es la traducción al español de 9 Días por la Vida, una novena para la protección de la vida humana. La intención de cada día está acompañada por una reflexión breve y sugerencias para actividades que ayuden a construir la cultura de la vida.
A continuación puede encontrar un documento imprimible o descargable que lo guiará a través de cada día de oración.
Intercesión: Que la trágica práctica del aborto llegue a su fin.
Oraciones: Padre nuestro, 3 Ave Marías, Gloria
Reflexión: En cada etapa y en cada circunstancia, somos sostenidos en la existencia por el amor de Dios. La presencia de una enfermedad, discapacidad u otra circunstancia desafiante nunca disminuye el valor de una vida humana. Dios no nos llama a la perfección de las apariencias o habilidades, sino a la perfección en el amor. Cristo nos invita a abrazar nuestra propia vida y la de los demás como verdaderos dones.
El aborto rechaza trágicamente la verdad de que cada vida es un don bueno y perfecto, que merece protección. Esta práctica violenta pone fin a la vida de un ser humano en su mismo principio y hiere horriblemente a todos los que implica. Pero Cristo vino para que “tengan Vida, y la tengan en abundancia” (Juan10,10), asumiendo la carne humana por nuestra redención. Que nuestra cultura conozca el poder del amor transformador de Dios, para que todos los ojos se abran a la increíble belleza de cada vida humana.
Actos de reparación (Elige uno.)
Descansa hoy de la televisión y las películas. Considera pasar algo de ese tiempo orando con la reflexión de hoy.
Concédenos la humildad de aceptarayuda si la necesitamos,y enséñanos a ser misericordiosos con todos.Que otros encuentren por nuestras palabras y acciones, el abrazode Tu misericordia.Te lo pedimos porCristo, nuestro Señor. Amén.
Padre celestial, graciaspor el preciado don de la vida.Ayúdanos a valorar y protegereste don, incluso si hay temor,dolor y sufrimiento.Danos amor por todas las personas,en especial los más vulnerables,y ayúdanos a dar testimonio de laverdad que toda vida merece vivir.
Reza la breve oración “Cada vida merece vivir”, reflexionando sobre el don de la vida humana. (La oración también está disponible para pedirla o bajarla de
Ofrece algún otro sacrificio, oración o acto de penitencia que te sientas llamado a hacer por la intención de hoy.
Paso adicional: El aborto es un tema frecuente en las noticias, debates políticos y conversaciones cotidianas con familiares o amigos. Debido a que el aborto puede ser una cuestión controvertida y emocional en cualquier ámbito, muchos podemos sentirnos intimidados cuando surge el tema, sin saber qué decir. “Otra mirada al aborto” presenta un panorama básico y resume puntos clave. Este artículo te ayudará a prepararte mejor para dar testimonio de la santidad de la vida humana:
Please join us on December 24th at St. Joseph for the Christmas Eve Mass! We will be starting caroling and singing at 3:30pm and we will feature our full choir concert ensemble for this special occasion.
We hope you will join us!
There will be no Daily Masses for the week of December 26th through the 31st. If you offered a Mass Intention for this week, they will still be honored by Father McMorrow during his Masses in Alaska!
Do you want to feel fulfilled this Advent? We have a volunteer opportunity coming up December 11th. The Freeport Mennonite Church is canning chicken for the poor, and they need all the help they can get to reach their goal of supporting as many as possible. Volunteering is a great way to give back to our community in the spirit of the season of giving, (and teenagers, activities like this look great on your future resumes!).
You can sign up, no matter what age or qualification you are, and you can even help out for however long you would like to. Any spare time you have will go a long way.
Every year, we offer the opportunity for families to order Christmas flowers. We will only be offering red poinsettias this year in two sizes, 6 inch at $20 and 8 inch at $30. Deininger Floral Shop provides us with the flowers, and these prices include shipping and handeling involved in the transport of plants. If you would like to order, please find the order form in this week’s bulletin insert, or print your own copy right from here.
In order to recieve the flowers on time for Christmas, please return your order sheets with payment no later than December 3rd. If you send in forms after this due date, your donation will go into the general flower fund for the year instead of poinsettias.
Tickets available at the Madonna Renewal Center (815) 616-9672, Gemorifics (815) 232-0005 at 840 Meadows, Freeport IL, and also at local Catholic Churches after Saturday & Sunday Masses sold by MRC committee members
Food and drinks available for purchase from Eagles Club
Baked goods, door prizes, and 50/50 raffle
Proceeds go to help unwed mothers and their babies at the Madonna Renewal center!
Contact Mary Julius for more details (815) 238-0695
Every year, we strive to make our Christmas Masses the most special services of the entire year. To accomplish this, we assemble a full choir ensemble. We are welcoming anyone and everyone who wants to join us, no auditions required. If you are interested in singing with us this year, please join our rehearsals!
Weekly rehearsals begin in the St. Joe’s choir loft on Thursday November 9th at 7:00 pm.
Enter the church through the door in the breezeway on the west side of the church.
Call or text Mary Ann at (815) 990-0327 with any questions. Please leave a message if she does not answer and she will call you back.
The Feast of All Souls Day is Thursday, November 2nd, 2023. Thursday Masses will be held at 8am at St. Joseph, 5:30pm at St. Mary, and 7pm at St. Mary (en español). Vigil lights will be lit for all of these Mass times on November 2nd.
Every year we offer vigil candles in memory of our departed loved ones. Vigil lights are lit November 2nd for all Masses. Below is a list of the names of all the departed souls for whom these candles are offered this year.
There is an envelope in your packet for All Souls Masses. Please clearly list your intentions on the back and return it for Holy Day collections. All deceased members of the parishes from the past year will be honored.