Charismatic Day of Renewal:

“What Would Jesus Have ME Do?” (WWJD?) And How Will He Help Me Do It? 

April 27, 2019, from 8:30AM – 3:30PM
St Patrick Church, Parish Center, 236 Kelley Dr, Rochelle, IL

Sponsored by Catholic Charismatic Renewal Services, Diocese of Rockford and featuring Father Bob Miller and Dr. Mark Nimo. Registration fee is $10/person or $25/family. Please bring a sack lunch. For more info call Linda at 815-264-3240, or email

Happy Thanksgiving! We Have A-Lot to Be Thankful For

We have so many things to be grateful for. No matter how dark our lives may get, God is always there and still loves us. When humanity seems to have left you, no longer cares or even hate you; you still have Jesus at your side. That alone is worth giving thanks.


Giving and Worship
