Christmas Homilies

Today is a very special person’s birthday; Jesus our Lord! God has walked among us. He became one of us! He comes to save us in the form of a little baby. This baby can change your life!He really is in your life giving you grace if you recognize Him. But He wants change your life. He wants you to experience His love in a new way, in a way that can make you the person you want to be!

4pm Mass in St Mary Church

8am Mass in St Mary Church

10:30am Mass in St Joseph Church

Pope Francis’ Morning Homily: God Gives More and More

Vatican City, October 09, 2014

We ask for a lot of things when we pray, but the greatest gift that God can give us is the Holy Spirit.  

This was Pope Francis’ reflection Thursday morning at Mass in Santa Marta, commenting on the Gospel of the day, which presents the parable of the man who gets what he needs because of his persistence.

Pope Francis began his homily by noting that “God has so much mercy” and observing that in the Collect we begin by asking God for forgiveness and to “obtain what prayer does not dare to hope for.”

“This got me thinking: it is precisely the mercy of God not only to forgive -…