1 Corinthians 13

There is a great lesson in this chapter that we could benefit from reading and meditating on often. It is on the greatest theological virtue and the greatest commandment, love. It is the reason we were created and in many ways, it is the reason. We were all created by Love itself, God. We were all created for love, to receive Love Himself for all eternity. We were created to receive love here on earth. And we were created to love each other. God has already loved us. We have received love from Love’s (God’s) part. Now it is our duty to give love. In doing so we come more and more to fulfillment. It is the “way that surpasses all others” (v1). No other gift or attribute can even come close to that gift of loving our neighbors.

I can have many gifts like prophecy and have the wisdom and knowledge from God, but not have love for neighbor, and gain nothing (v3). That means I cannot even gain salvation without love for neighbor. We need to love one another as Jesus has loved us (Jn 13:34). This is the second greatest commandment (Mt 22:39). So the charismatic gifts, as they are known to be, is not a sign of salvation that the prophet is guaranteed. In the gospel of Matthew, Jesus says, “Many will say to me on that day ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophecy in your name and in your name drive out demons and, in your name, perform many miracles.’ Then I will say to them plainly, I never knew you. Away with me you evildoers’” (Mt 7:22-23). The gift of prophecy, tongues and those listed in this chapter are for the ones who receive the message, not to glorify the one giving the message. Giving the message is to be an act of love for their neighbor to help guide them to heaven. The charismatic gifts are a means by which a person who may have a gift can love their neighbor. Therefore, taking a gift meant to help others, but turning it into a selfish act of gaining attention can be particularly damaging to one’s salvation. To those who have been given, more is expected (Lk 12:48). Therefore, the life of a person with a legitimate charismatic gift is not easy. Most people cannot understand them. God has them do things that would be contrary to conventional wisdom and so they may seem odd. Yet they have to rely on God’s word daily and constantly be praying.

How to identify real love is what is so sorely missing today. So many people seem to think they can define what love is. When we make things, we can define them. But when we discover things, we need to study them and what defines them. The Holy Spirit guides Paul in defining love right here in sacred scripture. It is particularly love of neighbor that Paul is defining. Not love from neighbor, but love for neighbor. Paul states, “Love is patient, love is kind…” (v4). This is how we are to be and act when we love our neighbor, for Jesus has done so for us. Jesus died on the cross for us. As Jesus was dying on the cross for us, He did not brood over his injuries, nor did He will evil on us or be rude, but was always kind, gentle, patient, and He persevered to the end when He finally died and breathed His last breath in love for us (v4-7). Love didn’t fail (v8). This is the goodness of love that attracts us so much.

This passage is used often in marriages, and fittingly so. But so many people do not pay attention to what it actually says. Today’s society offers something very different as love. Love today is about getting love and feelings, whereas true love gives and is willing to exhaust itself. Most people point the finger out instead of looking at their own responsibility. Couples will nudge each other with the elbow assuming the message to straighten up is for the others, but would never apply it to themselves. This is where abuse comes in. Some people would term marriage as a mere contract, as if it is just an agreement as long as they want to be together. This reduces the “love” they have as a mere contract of mutual use and an act of selfishness rather than a gift of self to the core. This new ideology of “love” is hardly fulfilling. Our selfishness seems to never end and can never be satisfied. We have been loved by Christ. To bring that love to fulfillment, we have only to love one another. Thus, love of neighbor makes us whole, not love from neighbor. Love from neighbor is good, but it ought to inspire us to love for neighbor. Want a fulfilling life? Take heed of this lesson Paul gives us.

What is Love?

It seems to world and [popular culture is confused on what love is. The popular view of love is all about receiving love which leads to selfishness, greed, anger and discord whereas real love as defined by God is about giving love which leads to peace, joy and fulfillment in life. All the hoimilies were different this weekend. Love is a big topic. It is what we are made for. So what is it?

Saturday September 5, 4pm Mass:

Sunday September 6, 8am Mass:

Audio and Video

Marian Society

The Marian Society meetings have been cancelled for the remainder of 2020. As the Coronavirus is still with us, it seemed in the best interest of all to cancel the remainder of our year. Hopefully we can resume our meetings in 2021.

Please watch the bulletin for further information. We hope to see all of you next year!  

Children’s Sunday School 2020 – 2021

We are taking registrations for Religious Education. Forms can be picked up anytime in the breezeway at St Joseph Church, or at the Religious Education office Monday and Tuesday morning from 8:30am until noon, or you can call 815-233-0005 to arrange to pick up the forms. Forms along with payment must be returned as soon as possible. For all children preparing for First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation, we must have a copy of their Baptism Certificate.

Included with the forms is a photo permission sheet allowing us to put photos of your child/children in the bulletin. There is also a Reopening Information Sheet for Parents. We would ask that you please carefully read this as these are rules that we must follow. 

Everyone that comes into the building will be required to wear a mask. Your temperature will be taken upon arrival. We are in need of people to help us to take temperatures, and to monitor the halls to ensure that physical distancing in hallways, bathrooms, stairways, and throughout the building is maintained. Traffic patterns will be different and changes might have to be made. There will be hand sanitizer in every room. All desks and/or chairs will be facing the same direction at a safe distance. You will not be allowed to bring food in. You will only be allowed to fill water bottles and not drink out of the water fountain.

The first day of class is September 13, 2020. This will be held at 9:00am in the Holy Family Community Center. There will be more information to come. This will be a family session. Come to the orientation, meet the teachers, and learn along with us what is new this year and what the school year will look like.

Ann Peters, CRE

October Fireside Bus Trip

We are sorry to tell you the October trip to see JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT has been canceled. The good news is, the Fireside has been able to reschedule for the fall of 2021. Please watch the bulletin for information regarding the new date. If you have sent your payment for JOSEPH, you will receive a full refund in the next several weeks.  

The Fireside has not made a decision on the Christmas show, HOLIDAY INN. I feel that will probably be canceled as well. Many performances have sold out and they have added several dates so they would hope to present it as planned. Please watch the bulletin for further information. If you have any questions, or do not receive your refund, please contact Mary Koppi at 815-232-4687.

1 Corinthians 12:12-31

In the beginning of Chapter twelve, we discover that God is the one who distributes His gifts according to His plans. What follows is to remind us that although we all have many different gifts, our purpose in Christ makes us one in Him. Differences in how God makes us are not there to cause division, but rather, God made it so that we would need each other and we would therefore be even more united to each other. This is true diversity in God’s eyes. Our differences would be an inspiration to honor each other and rejoice in the gifts God has given to each person. We may even need our enemy in the future. We do not believe in karma. It is God’s wisdom to make us learn to love one another.

We should not compare ourselves to others. That is a rabbit hole nobody benefits from, and the devil knows it. Comparing ourselves to others builds division, jealousy and resentment. It can also be used to control others by comparing one person to another. In this way it is used to demean and make another feel useless. Anybody who does this is abusing the other person and does not love them. So many families have broken up by this tool of the devil. It has plagued the unity of the Body of Christ for centuries.

We should just simply marvel at the gifts that each person brings with them. Even a handicapped child has purpose and gifts, equally important in God’s eyes. We learn so many things from them. Sometimes it is simply to stop and enjoy life. Every person in this community has a purpose and is a gift. That gift is not necessarily in doing. The primary gift in each person is in their being, for God “IS.” Your very being is the gift, just like the diamond ring itself is the gift. God did not make us to be like televisions or computers, where our value is in our doing; if it no longer works, it gets thrown into the trash. The gifts of each person are not in the convenience or entertainment they offer.

That being said, there comes a time when, out of appreciation for others, we respond by doing good to others and being an active member of the Body of Christ. God calls us to use the gifts we have to do His work according to our capacity. Even our failings can become a blessing. I remember when I played baseball as a child, I was always on the team at the bottom. Nearly every team I was ever on in sports, we were in last place. The blessing of that experience was that I learned not to be upset at losses, how to lose graciously, to persevere in life, not be afraid to fail, and it kept me humble. So even what seems to be hard times can be blessings in disguise. Blessings and gifts are not necessarily successes.

It does not matter what class you come from. Gifts are gifts. Slave and freemen (v13) , smart and not so smart, athletic or not so athletic, tall or height challenged, music endowed or the tone deaf are all part of God’s orchestration of His people as a gift to one another. It is our duty to see that gift in each other and ourselves. In this way, “all the members share in its joy” (v26).

How the heavenly Father would have His children rejoice in their friendship with each other. The Body of Christ was meant to be one. God made us to be whole and in unison with Christ and all the holy ones who have gone before us. Together we sing the hymn that the angels sing in heaven. We sing here in church, yes, but our voices carry a much more beautiful hymn when we offer our lives here in virtue and use our gifts to bless those around us.

An Act of Spiritual Communion

My Jesus, 
I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. 
I love You above all things, 
and I desire to receive You into my soul. 
Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, 
come at least spiritually into my heart. 
I embrace You as if You were already there 
and unite myself wholly to You. 
Never permit me to be separated from You.


Society of St Vincent de Paul

We wish to thank all who have sent donations the last several months. Calls for assistance have substantially increased as utilities are now in danger of being turned off. Be assured that all funds are dispersed locally to assist those in need within our community. We ask for prayers for our members and for our brothers and sisters who are in need of our support. Thank you and God bless.