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King of Mercy and Love
Nov 27, 2019
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Symbolism in the Church #34
The next window is an image of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It can easily get confused with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The Immaculate Heart of Mary is depicted as wrapped with roses, whereas the Sacred Heart has thorns around it. The Immaculate Heart has a sword that pierces it from the top, whereas the Sacred Heart of Jesus has already been pierced and shows two or three drops of blood coming out of the pierced heart. This Immaculate Heart of Mary has three flowers coming out of the top of the heart whereas the Sacred Heart of Jesus has a cross with the flames coming out of the top. These are three distinctions between these images. There are many of these images in the stained glass. There are even more images of the Sacred Heart.
Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is directed to Mary, the Mother of Jesus. It is not to be confused with worship. As Catholics we honor Mary because she is the mother of Jesus. Jesus is our Lord and God. Jesus also gave us to her as her children, and so we must honor her as our spiritual mother as the commandment states: “Honor your father and mother” (Ex 20:12). This is backed up by what Mary herself said under the direction of the Holy Spirit: “From this day all generations shall call me blessed” (Lk 2:48). In this image we see the sword piercing the heart. As Simeon had predicted, Mary’s heart was pierced when Jesus’ heart was pierced (Lk 2; 34 &35). Mary’s heart would contain sorrow, yet she would be blessed. How could she not be blessed with such a Son. Continue reading “Symbolism in the Church #34”
Solemnidad de Cristo rey del universo ciclo C 2019
No hay cosa que nos haga más daño que el ver que somos objeto de burla o que se ridiculiza lo que nosotros consideramos sagrado. Muchos cristianos tienen hoy día la sensación de ser perseguidos o denostados por el hecho de vivir según unos criterios y unos valores. Jesús sufrió el escarnio y la burla en el momento del tormento de la cruz. Las autoridades hacían muecas, los soldados le ofrecieron vinagre, uno de los crucificados a su lado le insultaba. Incluso habían puesto un letrero para ridiculizarlo: “Jesús Nazareno, rey de los judíos” Utilizamos sus siglas, “para más INRI”, para subrayar una situación de ofensa o de humillación. Hubieran preferido que pusiera: “Este ha dicho soy el rey de los judíos”. Todo era un espectáculo esperpéntico. Pero, paradójicamente Él era Rey, pero su reino no es de este mundo. ¿Qué querían decir cuando le pidieron por tres veces?: “Sálvate a ti mismo”, ¿acaso que hiciera un milagro para bajarse de la cruz, acaso que demostrara su poder o su riqueza, acaso una prueba para demostrar que era el Mesías? Junto a esta humillación lo que más le dolió sin duda a Jesús fue el abandono de los suyos. ¿Cómo debemos responder los cristianos cuando nos sintamos incomprendidos o acusados? Pues con las mismas armas de Jesús: el amor y el perdón. El, simplemente dijo: “Padre perdónales, porque no saben lo que hacen”. Continue reading “Solemnidad de Cristo rey del universo ciclo C 2019”
FACC Christmas Gifts
I had gotten a letter from Dean Wright about the Christmas gifts. FACC needs two more families taken care of for Christmas. They are looking for Christmas gifts. I hope to inspire St Mary’s parishioners to buy gifts for the family of five and St Joseph parishioners for a family of seven. If you are interested, we have a list of clothes and odds and ends the children want. The gifts are not to exceed $20. They are for children under 18 years of age and senior citizens over 65. I would really appreciate you helping me make a difference in the lives of the people right here in town. God Bless you! – Fr Barr
FACC Christmas Basket Blessing
The Freeport Area Church Cooperative has completed the sign-up for its annual Christmas Basket Blessing. As there has been an increase in sign-ups, the FACC is asking St Joseph Church to provide 300 boxes of macaroni and cheese and St Mary Church to provide 300 cans of green beans to help fill the baskets. Please bring your donations to church by Sunday, December 16.
Delivery of the baskets to those who signed up will be Saturday, December 21, from 10:00am until completed. We will deliver from the Holy Family Community Center. Volunteer delivery drivers are needed.
If you have any questions concerning this year’s Christmas event, contact Dean Wright at FACC at 815-233-0435 or by email at
Venerable Fulton Sheen to Be Beatified Dec. 21 in Peoria
The Diocese of Peoria, Ill., said, ‘It seems entirely fitting that the Beatification will take place at the end of this 100-year anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood.’ …
Meals on Wheels Deliveries
The Temple of God and the Exodus
Nov 19, 2019
Audio and Video
Symbolism in the Church #33
The next symbol is the skull. It reminds us of death. It is interesting to see that during Halloween, nobody is bothered by the idea of spooky things such as death, yet when we see something in church or are reminded of it elsewhere, we may get uncomfortable. Death is a reality. We all die. I do not know anybody who is 110 years old. I do not know anybody who is 105 years old. If someone came to you and said they were 200 years old, you might think something was wrong. Continue reading “Symbolism in the Church #33”