Is the abortion rate going down? Society is pushing for more promiscuity which means more pregnancies. More women are having chemical abortions by various means. This includes the birth control pill, which is an abortifacient. The surgical abortions may be down; however, there are more abortions. For the love of God and His babies, choose life!
I Am the Good Shepherd
4pm Mass
10:30 am Mass
Audio and Video
Galatians 1
Paul starts his letter with a greeting as he usually does. This one still sets the tone right off. From the offset he declares, “Paul, an apostle sent not by men or by any man, but by Jesus Christ and God his Father who raised him from the dead” (v1). Paul is sent by God. His position in the Church is ordained by God directly and is not him making up a position for himself or forcing it on the faithful. He was sent to preach the message of the Gospel to all peoples. This message was not his either. It is God’s message to all the world so that those God has called may respond.
The Gospel message is not a construct of mere human thought (11-12). God sent Paul to preach what Jesus, who is God, taught. Paul complains that so many were following what is not actually the Gospel message that was entrusted to Paul and all the faithful (6). Things have not changed much since then. Today, there are many people who teach something very contrary to what Jesus taught through Paul. How easy it is to fall into false teachings when we think we can choose for ourselves what to do and what to believe. So often in our society today we ask ourselves, what do I want to believe, instead of asking, what is reality in this matter. We approach faith as a consumer. It is as if God and His Church has to follow the whim of the culture and keep up with the times or else they will lose its customers, the people in the pew. How abused the Church has been, by both faithful and its hierarchy. In our small mindedness, we have caused so much discord and scandal. Sinners that we are, Jesus still has compassion for us, and much patience.
If we want a healthy church, pleasing God needs to be the utmost priority. Paul gets to the heart right away (10). We all need to have the mind and heart to please God and not man. If we try to please man, the treachery of jealousy, envy, gossip and greed takes over very quickly. It is amazing how often we have to be reminded of this. Going down the road with the present culture, the church would be a house of sin and death. It would become a very wicked institution. But we thank God that He preserves our faith and makes sure the truth is handed down through the generations so faithfully. I encourage you to do a search on the internet and type in “reliability of the Bible.” You would be amazed at what you find. Read up on what the Church Fathers taught. Read on St Polycarp, Ignatius of Antioch or Clement of Rome. We have many of their writings to this day.
These writings are considered as part of the Tradition of the Church. Trying to keep things short here, these are the traditions that the Church refers to when claiming we call the three-legged stool, Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. Tradition is a safeguard against false teachings. Like the three branches of government give balance and safeguard the constitution to make sure abuses do not happen, so the tools of truth are there to guide us from false teachings. The three-legged stool, Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium, are these tools to truth. It guards us from changing teachings. If a Church changes its teachings, it admits that the Holy Spirit was not there. I want a Church that has the Holy Spirit.
As an endnote, notice in verse 19 Paul refers to “James, the brother of Jesus;” he also refers to him as being an Apostle. This is because that James, son of Alphaeus, also know as the lesser, is a cousin of Jesus, not actually a brother. It is translated as such, because Hebrew does not have a specific word for cousin. It also points out that we do know about the extended family of Jesus; if Mary had children, wouldn’t we know about his immediate family? The others that are mentioned in the Bible we also know as fact are cousins. They are also documented.
Blue Nun Fun Run 5k
When: Saturday May 8 2021
Regitration: 9am run begins 9:30am
Where: Parking lot of St Ritas Catholic Church in Rockford 6254 Valley Knoll Dr, Rockford, IL 61109
Cost: $40 entry plus individual fund raising (no minimum) Free race t-shirt, Raffel! After race snacks!
To register, visit; and click on the “Blue Nun Fun Run Registration” Questions? Email
Hope; It’s a Virtue
Audio Only
Deacon Timmerman
Galatians Overview
Among Biblical scholars, there is debate on when this epistle (letter) was written and to whom. The older tradition has it to the city proper, whereas in the last century it is thought to be written to the people Paul himself worked with in the region of Galatia. If Paul wrote to Galatia proper, it would have been written between the years 54-57, but if written to the people Paul knew from earlier conversions, it would have been written by the year 50. All of this information is always disputable. I do not know anyone personally that was there.
The issue at hand was about the Mosaic Law, but in particular, circumcision (which actually comes from Abraham). This is not to be confused with the Ten Commandments. The Mosaic Law has more to do with the books of Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. In these books are very tight prescriptions of worship and how to live. Living the Jewish faith is still hard to follow. In fact, it is impossible. Like in Jesus’ time, there is no Ark of the Covenant before which a person can offer a sacrifice the Mosaic Law requires. Still, even then, how much work and attention it requires to fulfill the kosher laws of all the kitchen utensils, the purification rites or the Sabbath requirements to the details. It is a law where you cannot pick up your mat and walk, let alone turn on the light switch. To this day, some Jews who live in a building with elevators have to have someone push the buttons for the floor they want to get to. This deserves a lot of respect for the Jewish people. The Mosaic Law would make them stand out in any society. How much dedication they would have to have in order to follow God and His ways. To this world, it is a total other way of life for the one who is totally other to us.
The law is what preserved them from sin and, therefore, from much suffering in their daily lives. However, following God, by its very nature, may have suffering of its own. Following God is not easy. In the ways of God, one learns to love. God’s ways bring many blessings, and the people who insisted upon the Mosaic Law understood that. They wanted to hold on to these blessings.
There is a story of a little girl who got a present from her dad. She was his little princess, so by showing her that, he bought her a set of plastic pearls. She loved those pearls so much; she would wear them everywhere. She felt so secure remembering her father’s love for her. She grew up with them, cherishing this great gift from her father. But one day her father asked her if he could have them back. She could tell he was nervous about it. She knew how he really loved her, but she had a hard time giving them back. She did not give them back right away. It felt as if she was giving everything away. But one day she finally, with many tears, gave them back to her father. When he received them back, the father was so happy. He told to her wait as he had to get something. He showed her the new set of real pearls for her.
The Old Testament is not to be compared to plastic. The blessings are far more real than what plastic pearls can offer. But this story does express the reality of the grace that faith in Jesus brings us. The Old Testament and the Old Law is a foundation of understanding by which we all benefit from the New Testament and the New Law. The Ten Commandments are still in effect. The law has not been negated; it has been transformed by grace. A more accurate story would have the plastic pearls become real pearls.
Jesus is the fulfillment of the law. The old law was concerned only of the actions a person did. The new law pierces into the soul and is fulfilled in the beatitudes found in Matthew 5. The old law preserves us from willing evil on others. The new law sees to it that we would all will the good for each other. The new law seeks to make us holy. It seeks to make us holy from within.
Youth Group
Attention: 8-11 Graders
Join the Fun on Sundays
with the Youth Group!
Sunday, April 18 • 2-4 PM
Litter Clean-up & Fun Activities
in Krape Park
We meet twice a month. Please bring your mask –
we will be following social distancing guidelines!
RSVP by calling Lou Ann (St Thomas)
at 847-373-5745.
Trust in God’s Mercy
Audio Only
Divine Mercy
Divine Mercy is such a great message. Jesus wanted this mercy to be made known to everyone that those who desired it may obtain it. Many Christians believe in God’s mercy. Many of us take it for granted. We assume so much of God’s mercy that we do not really stop and appreciate what God has done for us or even think about what this mercy is. We think a person is merciful if they ignore the offense given. That can be true, but as time goes by, we demand this to be the very definition of mercy. Later, we forget what a sin even is. We become so numb to sin that we do not recognize the evil we do.
Sin is evil, wicked to the core. It causes so much suffering upon ourselves, each other and God. God dwells in each and every one of us. God only desires the good for each and every one of us. When we do evil, or do things that cause evil, God Himself experiences that evil. When we do things that are bad for ourselves, God experiences those evil affects as well. So many of us wonder why there is so much evil in this world. It is because of our decisions against God’s will. We choose to sin. Our sins contribute to the evil in this world. And so the cycle goes on. And so does our eternal punishment for our sins. If we understood the suffering our sins cause, we would be horrified. We truly do deserve the eternal punishments of hell.
Yet God has loved us so much that He was willing to take the punishment of our sins. This is a gift freely given to us. It was His love for us that motivated Him. We do not deserve this kind act for us. God would be justified to leave us in our own hell we have created for ourselves. How we have such evil as being greedy, selfish, full of envy, jealousy, spreading gossip and rumors. We have had lust in our hearts and actions. We think of people as mere objects, things to be used and disregarded when no longer useful. We have become prideful and self-willed to the point of rejecting what is good. Society thinks nothing of a lie. They do not care that something is not true just so that they can do whatever they want. We encourage others to have doubts about how God created them as male and female. This in particular is a kind of wickedness that words cannot express, especially when perpetrated on young children. Their punishment in hell will be great. Our sins wound us and each other in ways we do not understand. That is the one study we do not spend time with, though it is the most important one we should study.
Only God can save us from such tyranny. We thank God that He came to die on the cross for us. We thank God that He would rise from the dead so that we may know that Jesus is God and that He has conquered sin and death. With all the sins humanity has done, it takes an infinite God to overcome what seems to be an infinite abyss of sins and punishment.
Yet God has done so much more for us. Our heavenly Father adopted us into His very family! He didn’t just give us a handout in a disgruntled way. The Father wanted us to be His children. This is incredible news! In the family of God, there is no anger, hatred, jealousy or greed. In God’s family, there is only good will and love beyond our comprehension. In God’s family, everybody rejoices in each other. This is God’s plan for us. He intends us to be truly free in love of God and therefore in each other.
From eternal suffering to eternal wholeness, from total depravity to total joy, from slavery to sin to freedom to love, from anger and fears to peace; this great mercy can only come from the heart of God. Only in Jesus can it be found. The more we look to politics, human inventions, climate change, emotionalism or stamping out poverty by our own will, the more we make a mess of things. Only in His mercy can we have the desire to actually will the good. Jesus, I trust in you!
Jesus Christ is Risen! In a world full of sin and death, to know Jesus has conquered sin and death is great news. The devil does not have the last word against us because Jesus, who is God, has the last say. It is so good to know that God is full of compassion and mercy for us. For two thousand years God has still shown the consistency of His love for us. He came as a little child showing us his humility and compassion for us. He died on the cross for us, still showing His love and compassion. And now at the resurrection, after Our Lord Jesus rises from the dead, He still has compassion and mercy on us! God is so consistent with His goodness.
This mercy is not something He had to do. He chose it and still chooses mercy. As human beings, we might choose kindness towards others, but the next day who knows? We are not so consistent in our ways. Thank God He is! Two thousand years ago, Jesus was even willing to carry His cross up mount Calvary in order to make sure that our eternal salvation would be bought. To this very day He continues to pursue our salvation. He died, not just so that we would be saved from the fires of hell. He died that all that is His by nature, being divine, would be ours. We deserve suffering and death because of our sins and the suffering it causes ourselves, each other and God. Yet God still invites us to be part of His family!
We destroy ourselves and each other through our sins. Even our “private sins” damage our relationships with others. It affects how we relate to others and to God. We are all made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, if we offend God, it necessarily affects how we relate to those who are in God’s image and likeness. Our sins perpetuate suffering in this world. Sin causes the sinner and those whom they have sinned against to suffer. Because of this suffering that we cause, we are not worthy of God’s help. Yet God does come to help us.
But we want to put stipulations on God and the help He gives. God has patience with us as we try to put Him in a box. We are so insecure; we think we need to be in control. Yet God is always willing the good for each of us. The most secure place we can be is in God’s holy will. We need to learn to let go of our own will which only leads to sin and suffering. As I always say, if you want to be miserable in this life; do whatever you want.
If you want to be saved from your suffering; and want to help others avoid suffering, do God’s will. I have yet to come across a person that has regrated actually doing God’s will. Many people have tried to discern God’s will, but were wrong and so regretted it. Others have discerned rightly, but still did not do it and so regretted it. Some may question God as they are doing God’s will. But I have not met any person who has rightly discerned God’s will, did it and regretted it when everything was said and done. God always wills the good for us. This is part of the salvation He offers us. Jesus is the way (Jn 14:6).
Jesus saves us from the fires of hell we deserve because of our sins. Jesus saves us from the suffering our sins cause us in this life. But Jesus not only saves us, but exalts us by showing us His Father in heaven and allowing us to be His brothers and sisters by adoption. He did not withhold the Father’s love from us. God’s salvation holds us close to His heart where nothing but peace and joy exists. It is a salvation where there is no sin; no lies or deceit, no violence, hatred, abuse, greed, selfishness or using of others as objects. Gods’ salvation is where all people love each other and care for each other. It is a place where we see the goodness in each other and desire the goodness for each other and rejoice in it. That is the salvation Jesus thought worthy of dying for us. Thank God!