Holy Week Schedule

As we prepare for the memorial of the death and ressurrection of Our Lord Jesus, we live out what the Apostles experienced through the sacred Liturgy of what we call the Sacred Triduum, the Three Holy Days. Thursday night we celebrate the memorial of the first Mass ever celebrated. This night is when Jesus consecrated the bread and wine and made them into the Body and Blood of Himself. It is also the same night Jesyus washed the feet of the apostles. This is known as Holy Thursday. The next day is Good Friday where we solomly remember the passion and death of Our Lord Jesus at the Veneration of the Cross service. The next day, Saturday at the Easter Vigil is where we celebrate the Ressurrection of Our Lord Jesus in the evening. It is the culmination of the Good News of God’s goodness to us by the grace won for us as it is expressed in Jesus’ own rising from the dead.

During these three days, the service schedule is very different. There will be no Morning Mass on these three days. No comnfessions willbe available during this time as well. The service shedule are as follows.

Holy Thursday 5:30pm in St Jospeh Church/ 7pm in St Mary Church in Spanish

Good Friday 12noon in St Mary Church/ 5pm in St Mary Church in Spanish

Easter Vigil 7pm in St Mary Church in Spanish/ 7:30pm in St Joseph Church

Helping Women in Need Could Become Illegal in Illinois

On February 9, the Illinois General Assembly introduced two bills—one in the House, one in the Senate—both entitled the “Deceptive Practices of Limited Services Pregnancy Centers Act.” The contents of HB 2463, introduced by State Representative Terra Costa Howard (D-Lombard) and  SB 1909, introduced by State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) are identical, and both bills seek to radically curtail the operations of “limited services pregnancy centers.”

Perhaps the most striking feature of these bills is their specious use of language. “Limited services pregnancy center” is the language applied to crisis pregnancy centers, clinics that offer life-saving services to pregnant mothers, usually free of charge. These services include ultrasounds, counseling, baby clothes and diapers, and have been a staple of Christian pro-life work for decades  Just how are the centers limited? Of course…
