Women of Christ Conference 2020

To all of the faithful Women of Christ, please mark your calendars for Saturday morning, October 10.

It is with joy that I invite you to this year’s Women of Christ Conference. Instead of traveling out of town, three inspirational speakers will be streamed live in St Mary’s Community Center!

This year’s morning only format, completely free without any charge, was designed by the Holy Spirit after much prayer. God is good!

The Church has always relied on the exceptional gifts of
women to nurture and carry on the faith to our families, parishes and society. She needs you now more than ever, to be sacramentally strong so the graces can spill over to heal our disordered world.

Open your soul to this unique autumn gift: time to soak up sacramental grace from Confession, Adoration, stirring talks, Rosary Processional and participation in the Holy sacrifice of the Mass with our fellow sisters in Christ. The harvest will be bountiful.

There will be more details and an agenda coming soon.

Please register with Colleen Fenn at 815-275-6378 in order to assist with providing socially distant seating arrangements.

Thank Heaven We Can Know Jesus

This year has been the most challenging in many years. We can only hope it gets better. From early on, COVID 19 has devastated the world not just in deaths, but it outright controls our jobs, money, shopping, socializing, schools and government. Family members are afraid to visit each other. Church was closed and over six months later, still is not fully open. That alone has been quite something to deal with. Then we have witnessed much violence in many of our major cities. Looting, burning down buildings and murder have become the new norm in those places. The evil of socialism has come to the forefront with the harboring of resentment and propagations of lies to incite violence that has destroyed so many lives they pretend to protect. We pray our country can be healed of its division and hatred. It is a hatred and division that we have never seen before.

We need God all the more today. So many think humanity will do this or that to save itself. More and more people are relying on the politics or human ingenuity to save them. They will listen more to the media or politicians than to their faith. As one joke goes, how do you know when a politician is lying? When their lips are moving. How far humanity has fallen from God’s ways and the ability to recognize where God is doing His works.

The reason why we are suffering so much is because for so long we have abandoned His ways and preferred to rely on ourselves. Our society is destroying itself with its sins. It is so important that we go back to our faith now. We need to remind ourselves of what we were taught in the Catholic Church and teach these realities to our children and grandchildren. Without these basics in faith, we cannot have peace, justice or joy. We need to embrace these teachings and help the young ones today understand the wisdom it imparts. These teachings are practical and convey the truth only found in our faith.

I thank God we have the Religious Education (RE) program we have today. The RE program is here to help our children learn the truth in Jesus and apply these realities in their lives. Truth is freeing. It gives clarity to the mind and heart. It gives peace to the soul. It leads a person to goodness, to serving and loving others. It makes a society more secure and safe. For those who fall into sin, it brings them hope that they have an advocate in Jesus at their side. It leads us to trust in the goodness of God himself.

Learning about Jesus gives us faith in the goodness of God and how we are to act. Not out of rules or regulations, but because it allows us to have a deeper relationship with God. We start to discover His real personality. How Jesus, God, came as a little child. God came in such a humble way so that we would not run in fear, but marvel at the gentleness of the all-powerful God. What an opportunity for our children to have hope and peace. We do not have to fall into despair or the anger that the world holds. We can be free of these anxieties because of our faith. As I am always fond of saying, math teaches us how to balance a budget, English helps us communicate and hopefully get a job, but our faith gets us through life and hopefully leads us to eternal life.

I thank God Jesus came to live with us. He chose to walk with humanity and suffer everything we suffer. He did this so that He could be our companion each and every step of the way on this pilgrimage of life. He wants to do this for our children.

This year, the RE program has changed up the curriculum to help the parents understand and convey this gracious faith to their children. Because of the COVID situation, parents can teach online from their home, and/or bring them to classes. We now have access to online technology to make this fun for the children. It teaches the children how to pray and reflect on the Bible.

I am also thankful for all the volunteers we have helping us teach the children about the faith. Many new people have stepped up to help ensure that the faith is passed on to our young. Please pray for them and the fruitfulness of the RE program this year.

God has been so good to us. He is so merciful and desires us as a society to come back to him and remain with Him. He desires us to be in His peace and Joy. Thank God He showed us His ways. Thank God He died on the cross for us. Thank heaven that we could get to really know Him.

1 Corinthians 14:26-40

This last half of Chapter 14 gives some good foundational rules about prophecy and tongues “since God is a God, not of confusion, but of peace” (v32). It is easy to become self-important. When God gives good gifts, pride can swell up, even with the intentions of humility. It can creep up on us without us being aware of it. The gifts we have should always be received with humility, reverence and holy disinterest.

If you notice the attitude Paul has toward the gifts, he acknowledges them as good and holy. But when God gives, there is a purpose to them and care should be taken to make sure they have the fruitfulness He intended for them (26b). These gifts do exist and should be desired, but not inordinately, causing a person to sin. Paul appreciates these gifts, but does not put a person’s total worth on them. He does not hold on to these gifts. Peace should be one of its fruits. It should bring clarity to the mind.

To facilitate this clarity and peace, Paul is making the rule that only three should bring about the revelations they receive and one at a time (27, 29 &31). A person should be there to interpret. If there is nobody there to interpret the tongues, then that person should remain silent and pray quietly (28). One time a person was speaking in Russian and nobody was there to interpret at that time. The person kept on talking because they thought they were praising God. Then another person came in and understood the language. Come to find out the person was cursing God, not praising God. There are spiritual realities that we must all be careful of.

Going back to some of the basics, we need to be able to discern when it is the Holy Spirit acting and when we can be sure it is the enemy. The Holy Spirit will always have His fruits, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Gal 5:22-23). When it is the enemy, you will notice what is listed in Galatians 5:19-21, which is any kind of sin or sinful disposition in the heart and mind.

There are some different reasons why God chooses these gifts. They are a form of communication. Prophecy can be in the form of tongues. It can be to instruct a person on what to do in big life situations or in small occurrences. They can be words of consolation and/or healing. They are meant to build up faith, and at times a warning about sin and death. The message may make a person feel guilty so as to encourage them to go to confession, but does not shame them of their sins so as to fall into despair. How a person reacts to these messages is up to them. God does not take away free will.

The person speaking does not necessarily understand what the message is all about. Abraham didn’t even know he was prophesying when he told Isaac, “God will supply the Sacrifice” (Gen 22:8). The messenger does not have to be a person who is holy. In John 11:50-15, the high priest that had condemned Jesus prophesied about the death of Jesus. A fun reading would be in Numbers, Chapter 22-24. In Chapter 22, verses 28-30, a donkey spoke to the prophet Balaam. So God can speak through anything He wishes.

So many times, the message gets lost in the hype that God would speak to us through such strange means. The most important thing is the message, so that it does not go in vain. Gifts are good to ask for. The one who asks for them must be willing to be God’s servant and keep that disposition in their soul. 

Shepherd’s Gifts for Presence St Joseph

Just as shepherds gather their flocks of sheep, we ask you to help gather Shepherd’s Gifts for “our flock” of elderly and intellectually challenged.

Collection dateOctober 3, 2020.

Collection siteSt Thomas Church (under the canopy) on Kiwanis Drive.

Time: 9:00am until Noon only.

Items neededCotton underwear (size 8, 9, 10 and 11), cotton socks, mouthwash, solid deodorant, body wash, cotton balls, toilet paper, paper towels, sweat suits (XL and 2XL), large print Find a Word puzzle books, toothpaste, toothbrushes, lotion, shampoo, conditioner, Kleenex, liquid hand soap, nail polish and nail polish remover, cloth masks, and Ziploc bags. Cash gifts are also welcome and will be used to purchase needed items as necessary. Make your check out to Presence St Joseph Auxiliary. You may send monetary donations to Diane Vaske, Auxiliary Treasurer, 4299 Rolling Hills, Freeport, IL 61032. Thank you for your help.

1 Corinthians 14:1-25

True love always seeks what is holy. We see this in chapter 13. This is how we can recognize love. Recognizing love is of the utmost importance. Everybody intuitively knows that we are all called to love. But what is it, that we may know how to have a sense of fulfillment? Love can never sin as defined by God. Unfortunately, love has been twisted into many different things that are not love. Love in marriage ends by being nothing more than a contract of mutual use. As long as the couple get a feeling from each other, then it is worth it, but when that feeling is no longer there, or if the person does not make me feel good, then they are beyond their usefulness. In this pagan society that we live in, love is about “what I get out of it”. It is actually greed, lust and turned into everything evil, rather than all that is good. I could easily see in the future that the experience of the pagan “love” would be distained as the reason a person suffers and even worse yet, without any fruitfulness. Love itself will be hated by all, because of our abuse of love. Yet we would be so blind to know the goodness of the real love Jesus is offering us.

Yet Paul exhorts us to “Seek eagerly after love” (14:1). Love should be the proper disposition to the gifts that God gives us. In this case, Paul is talking about the gift of prophecy. Whenever any gift is given, it is done not in self-interest, but in self-giving. Paul makes one distinction between a specific kind of tongues and prophecy. Prophecy is a message for others from God. Prophecy can come in the form of tongues. It is meant to build up the person and give them what they need. In that way, he builds up the people of God, the Church. Paul seems to prefer that a person ask to the gift of prophecy, so that a person may not build themselves up too much and not their neighbor.

But the tongues that Paul is talking about is a prayer that a person makes directly to God. It is a prayer that is inspired by the Holy Spirit “because he utters mysteries in the Spirit” (2). “No one understands him” but the one who it is intended for knows; for “we do not know how to pray as we ought” (Rom 8:26). Yet a person with this gift needs to be careful that they are not praying something bad. Paul goes on to write about a person who can interpret what is said and then can be shared and build up the community. Paul does not have much use for speaking in tongues that are unintelligible, “if you do not utter intelligible speech because you are speaking in a tongue, how will anyone know what you are saying? You will be talking into the air” (9). The intelligible meaning may not be understood by all. In fact, it may be just one person who understands.

This is where Paul encourages the person who speaks to have the ability to understand that the words do not go in vain (13-14). Paul wants the intellect involved and engaged (15). When the mind is engaged, they can be instructed, appreciate the prayers and affirm them with an “Amen” (16-17).

So there is private prayer in tongues that builds up the individual who is praying. But there is also public prayer in tongues that can help unbelievers believe. They can be challenged with this gift and come to know that there really is a God by witnessing to the miracle of tongues (24-25). It seems that people with tongues have spoken languages they did not know and instructed non-believers in faith. Tongues and prophecy can be intermingled according to God’s plan.

So Paul is instructing the people in tongues and prophecy in its proper use and context. Many people have questions about these things. This is a good start in knowing that such things do exist. They should be respected and treated in a mature manner (20). It is not something we decide happens; it is a gift from God. The giver is always greater than the gift. The gift of self, the one who is Love itself.

Holy Land Collection

Pope Francis has asked our parish to support the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, which helps Christians in the Holy Land. This collection is being taken up this weekend. Your support helps the church minister in parishes, provide Catholic schools and offer religious education. The Pontifical Good Friday Collection also helps to preserve the sacred shrines.

The wars, unrest and instability have been especially hard on Christians. In these times of crisis, the Pontifical Good Friday Collection provides humanitarian aid to refugees.

When you contribute to the Pontifical Good Friday Collection, you become an instrument of peace and join with Catholics around the world in solidarity with the Church in the Holy Land.


If you did not bring your donation with you, you may bring it next week, drop it in the mail, or put it in our mail slot. Use your Holy Land envelope if you have it, and if not mark your envelope “Holy Land Collection.” If paying by check, make a note in the memo section that the gift is a Holy Land donation.

For more information about Christians in the Holy Land, visit www.myfranciscan.org/good-friday.