Who Will You Bow Down To?

Nov 29, 2018

Audio and Video

When we get to the end of our life, we will bow down to one or the other; Satan or Jesus. Satan offers us to do whatever we want, whereas Jesus gave us a way to follow, namely the Ten Commandments and the cross in this life. At the end of our life comes our final judgement. If we do what we want, we will be serving Satan and suffer eternity from him. If we follow Jesus, He will offer infinite love, joy and peace.

The Strategy of Our Enemies

Some helpful thjings to know in your struggles in faith and temptations. Each Homily is different and adresses different problems you may have. Unfortunately, the recording of the 8am mass failed, but we have the 4pm and 10:30am Homilies recorded.

4pm Mass

10:30am Mass