Be the First to Watch Genesis to Jesus!

St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology,
Is offering a free video Bible Study this coming Lent 2019 titled: Genesis to Jesus!
If you have internet, you may register by contacting ‘’, and have it
streamed into your homes, and/or you can join us at the Holy Family Center every Saturday
at 10:30 until noon to watch and discuss this program. Saturday is the best time for
Fr. Barr to attend and help direct us in question and discussion. Please join us. This
program usually is not offered free, and it originates from St. Paul University Steubenville
with Dr. Scott Hahn and multiple theologians. This study presents the whole sweep of
salvation history, and helps you make sense of the Bible, literally. Skip the last minute
scramble to find a Lenten devotion and see the newest Journey Through Scripture study –
it’s a win-win.