November 9, 2020 1:03 am


St. Joseph’s doors are open and you are welcome! Masses are held at St. Joseph and St Mary. Check the website or the bulletin for the Mass schedule.

As mandated by the Rockford Diocese, a maximum of 75 people can attend each Mass or Adoration service. All regular Mass times are available You may attend any Mass, either a weekday or weekend Mass. Since seating is limited, weekend Masses may fill up, so if you can attend a weekday Mass, please do that instead.

Please read the information and watch the 10 minute video provided on our new St. Joseph/St. Mary website before attending for the first time. You must register before going to Mass. This can be done online. If you come without registering online, you may not be able to attend. Registration forms are provided on the website. Click on the REGISTER FOR MASS OR ADORATION button when it appears, or simply click on the “View More Online” link below to get there directly.
NOTE: Registration may work better if completed on a computer. Some cell phones are having issues.

If you have difficulty registering, contact Connie Kronberg, 815-297-2138 for assistance.

CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING TO HELP AT MASS! If you volunteer, you will not need to register online for the Mass where you are helping, and you may be able to attend more Masses!
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