Registration for Religious Education is open. Forms can be picked up during office hours from the St Joseph – St Mary Parish Office Mon.-Thurs. 8:30-3:30 and Fri. 8:00-Noon. Submit completed forms along with payment and baptism certificate before September 5 to facilitate proper class assignment. Remember that Confirmation and First Holy Communion preparation requirement is a minimum of two years. Help Needed: We need teacher aids and office assistants. You can assist in the classroom or volunteer to help make phone calls, plan events, help to file and document data, offer one-on-one tutoring or teach a class. If you volunteer, you must take the Protecting God’s Children course, which is an online course, or if we have enough signing up we can schedule a class and someone will come here and teach the class. The Diocese requires all volunteers to take this course. The first day of class is September 9, 2018. This will be a Family Session and a welcome breakfast. All classes are held in the Holy Family Community Center from 9:00am until 10:15am. For more information, please contact the Parish Office at 815-232-8271.