All Saints Day, a holy day of obligation, falls on a Monday. This year, we will celebrate All Saints Day on Tuesday 8am at St. Mary and 5:30pm at St. Joseph.
There is an envelope in your packet for All Souls Masses. Please list your intentions on the back and return it as soon as possible. All the deceased members of the parishes from the last year will be honored.
An order form for candles is in the breezeway at St. Joseph. There is one inserted in your bulletins this week as well. Or you can download and print it directly from here! If you would like to purchase a candle in memory of your own deceased loved ones, please have your order form with payment turned in by October 18th. And NO LATER than October 20th. Each candle is $4.00, and they will be lit on All Saints Day and All Souls Day, if you would like to take pictures or say prayers in the memory of the deceased.

May their spirits rest in peace, and be filled with joy for their friends and families.
Printable Candle Order Form;