A Baby Shower for the Blue Nuns… a Pizza Party for the Sleezer Home girls… Ladies’ Civil War-era Fashions on display… a Night of Cedarville History featuring Jane Addams… and that’s just to name a few!
So… Who Dunnit? None other than the St Joseph Marian Society!
During 2019 the Society also donated over $700 to assist charitable organizations in Freeport, hosted a reception for Deacon Timmerman and family, and in cooperation with St Mary Guild provided warm hats, gloves and Christmas gifts for twenty-five needy children.

The St Joseph Marian Society meets on the second Thursday of the month, March through December (no meeting in August) at 7:00 pm in Berg Hall of the Aquin Elementary School. All ladies of the parish are invited to join; yearly dues are only $10.00. It is the responsibility of the Marian Society to provide desserts and serve funeral meals, organize the May Crowning of the Blessed Virgin, host one of the monthly birthday parties at Presence, and provide other services to the parish as needed.
Ladies… Come Expand Your Horizons!
Please consider joining with other ladies of St Joseph once a month for interesting and informative programs, service to church and community, and fellowship. The first meeting of 2020 will be Thursday, March 12; please watch the bulletin for details. If you have any questions, contact Mary Koppi at 815-232-4687.