September Yellow – Suicide Awareness Month
As Catholics one of our fundamental beliefs is respecting all life from conception to natural death. There is much misunderstanding, confusion and heartache when we talk about suicide. It’s not an easy topic to address but a necessary one. In 2021, in the US alone, we lost 48,126 of our brothers and sisters in Christ, who died by suicide. Statistics tell us that over 90% of those who die by suicide exhibited signs of mental illness. Many go without diagnosis and treatment due to the stigma associated with mental illness. It’s up to each of us to get educated and understand mental illness for what it is … an illness! It does not define the person or make them any less loved by God.
Nationally September is recognized as suicide prevention awareness month. You are all invited to partake in a simple act of love that can save lives. Gather as a parish and pray a Living Rosary. When you pray include anyone experiencing suicidal ideation, anyone who has died by suicide and the suicide bereaved.
We will pray our Living Rosary on Wednesday, September 6th, at 6:00pm after regular Mass.
St. Joseph church 229 West Washington Place,
Freeport IL, 61032
– Please wear YELLOW as a sign of your support –