We have reservations at the Fireside Dinner Theatre on Wednesday, November 16th to see the stage adaptation of Irving Berlin’s WHITE CHRISTMAS!

With a series of romantic mix-ups and 17 Irving Berlin songs, White Christmas is a musical to enjoy at any time of year, but is especially loved at the Christmas season. This year you will have the opportunity to choose your entree in advance.

You may select from:
• Grilled Pork Ribeye • Beef Short Rib • Grilled Shrimp
All are served with Seafood St. Jacques Appetizer, Whipped Potatoes with Garlic and Herbed Cheese, Baby Carrots, Cranberry Orange Cheesecake. Drinks are Coffee, Tea or Milk.

* You MUST select your entree at the time you make your reservation *
The bus will leave from St. Joseph Church at 8:45am and return approximately 6:00pm.

The cost is $115 and this includes the chartered bus, dinner, show and all gratuities.
To register or for more information, call Mary Koppi (815) 232-4687.

Payment is due no later than October 14th;

Please make checks payable to “St. Joseph Church” and place in the collection in an enveloped marked “BUS TRIP”


If you know anyone who may be interested, please spread the word! We will have a few posters up in the church with all the needed information.