Pray for the Dead

The month of November is the month where we as Catholics pray for those who have died. Jesus listens to our prayers, especially when we pray for others. Traditionally we pray for those in our families. We also think about those who have no family or friends to pray for them. All those in purgatory need our prayers and we can help them.

The Book of the Dead is normally out in our churches for the month of November. This year, due to Covid-19, we will be unable to do this. However, we will have a dedicated page  ̶  “Our Dearly Beloved”  ̶  on our website, where we will list the names of our loved ones who have died. They will all be remembered fondly in our prayers! If you have names to submit for this page, please let us know by contacting us through our website, calling the office and leaving a message at ext 3, or sending them in to the office.

You will be able to find “Our Dearly Beloved” through the month of November on the home page of our website at