We wish to thank the ladies from St Thomas for supplying
all of the homemade cookies and the ladies from St Mary
for the fruit and cereal bars for the February lunch. We
provided 133 meals on that Saturday. The generous
donation of personal items and warm clothing was
overwhelming and greatly appreciated by the recipients.
The next luncheon will be Saturday, March 16. We will
serve Sloppy Joe Sandwiches, Chips, Fresh Vegetables,
Fruit, and Dessert. We will be collecting hand soap and
small boxes of facial tissue. We are always in need of
women’s and men’s socks. Donations of apples and oranges
would be welcome.
These items may be brought to Berg Hall after 9:00am on
March 16, or contact Mary Koppi at 815 232-4687. Thank
you for your concern for our friends in need.