Requirements for First Holy Communion Candidates
This is a two (2) year program and your child is only allowed to miss two (2) classes per year.
Candidates preparing to make their first Holy Communion are required to:
- Have an idea of what we believe as Catholics
(Articles of Faith as contained in the Apostles Creed).
- Master the definition of the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
- Be able to list and define the different names we use for the Eucharist
- Lord’s Supper
- Breaking of Bread
- Holy Communion
- Be able to tell the story of the first Eucharist, (the Last Supper)
- Have an idea of the Sacrament of Penance
- Have a clear knowledge of Good and Evil (be able to tell between good and bad)
- Have an idea of the Ten Commandments
- Know what Prayer is (definition)
- Come to Mass
- Participate fully in the Religious Education Program
They are expected to have mastered and maintained the following prayers:
- Sign of the Cross
- Glory Be
- Angel of God
- Hail Mary
- Our Father
- Grace Before Meals
- Grace After Meals
They are also expected to have mastered the following prayer:
v Act of Contrition (Traditional)
-or- v Act of Contrition (Contemporary)
They are expected to have experienced the following prayers:
- I Confess (Confiteor)
- Nicene Creed
- Holy, Holy, Holy
- Lamb of God
- Stations of the Cross
- Apostles Creed
- Rosary
- Angelus
- Act of Faith
- Act of Hope
- Act of Love
- Hail Holy Queen
- Come Holy Spirit
- Morning offering