Offer Online Registration:
Those who wish to attend Mass should register online to help facilitate check-in procedures for each Mass. Please try to register at least 2 days in advance. If you do not receive an email confirmation after you register, please try registering again. You should always get a confirmation. If you are unable to register online, please contact the office at 815-232-8271, ext. 3, for help signing up.
Maintain Social Distancing:
Volunteers will assist attendees through check-in, usher them to a pew, release them for communion and at close of Mass.
Check-In Attendees:
Upon entering St Joseph and St Mary through open doors, Mass attendees register with their name and bring their confirmation, or bring in a completed registration form.
Distribute Communion:
Communion is distributed only by presiding priest and deacon who are wearing a mask and have sanitized hands. Single file communion line is maintained with social distancing.
Post-Mass Sanitization:
After all attendees have exited, volunteers sanitize all pews, kneelers and bathrooms used by attendees.